Subaru 250T Drove around fine all Friday and Saturday morning. Approx 15ltrs of 95 was added at a local indi self serve. Within 10kms when the car came to a set of traffic lights it began to stumble quite badly, worse upon acceleration but smooths out when you get to top speed (unless you stab the gas then she stumbles again at high way speed for a second or two)
Car starts fine and sits at idle fine, drop her in to drive or Reverse and rev's become erratic bouncing between 200-500rpm and stumble city when the foot comes off the brakes!
Fluids all fine, tranny, oil, water etc.No other issue that I can work out.
Ideas! thoughts! does this sound like fuel fouling to you!
Steps! Can I fix this my self! ie, additives and a tank of 98! or should I limp her down to my mechanic tomorrow morning.
May 5, 4:40pm
Itwont be water, or any other contaminants in the fuel. Despite what we like to believe, water traps at service stations are drained very regularly. There are hundreds of electical components, whires and sensors on your car that could be causing exactly the same symptoms. When was the last time you had your ignition coils tested!
May 5, 4:42pm
1L of meths in the tank will help clear up the water, get it from theWarehouse.,
May 5, 4:56pm
Coils, O2 sensor, Ht Leads, Fuel filter, Breather assembly all replaced 1.5 years ago.
HG both sides done 2.5 years ago.
I've run through all the variables and fouled fuel seems the most likely. car was 100% fine pre gassing up yesterday, within 5-10kms is displaying classic symptoms of fouling.Hence the Q, seems like the obvious place to start.And I know fouling is more common than people reliase.,
May 5, 4:58pm
MMm Meth, kero or Isopropynol is meant to help in this case. The Decision I have to make is. Do I try it my self or let my mech work it out. a tank of 98 is going to cost about the same as 2 hrs labor at my mechs *sighs*And if it 'is' fouled fuel I'll be seeking reimbursement from the servo (which is an unattended pre paid one that is NOT tested regularly - should know better than to buy budget gas!)
May 5, 5:20pm
pour a bottle of meths in and use that tank up. Then at least yuo can eliminate water as the cause., and send it to a mechanic for a proper diagnosis.
May 5, 5:21pm
Okay so you have deduced that it is water in the fuel, yet you don't have any proof and you will try and claim compensation from the indi service station that you say is is not maintaining their water traps, yet another claim that you have no evidence of. I would love to be a fly on the walll when this goes to the disputes tribunal.,
May 5, 5:24pm
I'm thinking that's the first port of call yes.The car is empty and into the reserve as it also used twice as much fuel on its return trip yesterday (common to fouling again lowering the octane) So a bottle of Meths and 10 ltrs of 98 and lets see what happens I think.
May 5, 5:25pm
No reason it couldn't be water or contamination. I've personally seen water damage to several new diesel vehicles from water contam after filling up at one of the big well known petrol co's. petrol co paid out for repairs to all vehicles to a total amount of around 30K.,
May 5, 5:25pm
Wasser, that is my point. I either try and fix this my self and wear the cost or limp it to my mech tomorrow for diagnosis. IF it is Fouling as I suspect then YES I will be seeking compo as anyone should as they will need to know if the gas they are hocking off has water in it or not (as stated its an Un-attended site)
May 5, 6:35pm
best way to check for water in gas is put some from your tank in to a glass jar if your tank has a drain bung
May 5, 6:41pm
Yep, draining out the fuel is the only evidence you'll have.
May 5, 6:48pm
was the tank dead empty when you put this 15 litres in!, if so it may have stirred up enough crap to finally clog your fuel filter enough to cause these issues.
May 5, 7:23pm
The local Mobil station here in CHCH (Papanui) has made a few cars run rough lately, have seen they've been doing quite a few repairs there (coned off areas around the tanks) so you can't always rule out the fuel not being sus. Only evidence will be as above, to fully drain and refill the tank with fuel from elsewhere,
May 5, 7:39pm
Well 1x Fuel additive (hydrocarbons) in and half a tank of 98.
20km drive around and we have take off stumble reduced by at least 70% over all acceleration stumble reduced by 50%. Reverse stumble about 40% better.Reves no longer bouncing. Still sounds rough as pig shit if you stick your foot down however but again much better than it was yesterday.
I'm still going to pop into see my mech tomorrow morning and pick his brains.
I'm thinking however that if it was anything 'other' than a fouling problem then what I have done today would have made no difference what so ever, and it has, significantly.
May 5, 7:58pm
Why is it that some people don't listen to good advice! Is it just a common thing for Subaru drivers or is it dipshits in general! Did you drain some out of the tank to check for water or not!,
May 5, 8:08pm
I did all I could do at 34 weeks pregnant and not able to GET UNDER A CAR and do it my self!I had to take a punt on what I had read over the net and will work the rest out tomorrow when the mech is open.
May 5, 9:43pm
Whats with this thing about 98 octane benzene! Any fresh petrol and 1-2 liters of meths will do the job. chance's are you had run the tank down a bit and its pick up water out of your fuel tank that has slowly built up from condensation and service station tanks.
May 5, 11:52pm
If water in petrol there would be a line of cars all having the same problem. Would take a bet it is NOT water from the pump unless the underground tanks at the service station had just been filled and stirred up any water in them. Will only take a few minutes for the water to sink to the bottom.away from the outlet to the pumps. As said before more likely running tank low you have picked up water from your own tank and possible some of the muck. Hope you get it sorted out
May 6, 1:46am
I would remove the inline fuel filter and give it a shake and see what comes outwater fuel and dirt!
May 6, 3:22am
Use the meths. you may get followed home and your collar felt if you go and buy isopropynol haha.
May 6, 4:23am
i like lollie pops
May 7, 12:01am
Good luck seeking compo from a fuel company, youll need it.
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