German tourists face abuse after traffic accident

robotnik, May 5, 5:53am
What about this then - after a traffic accident two German tourists face serious abuse in the 'Tron!

Germany has some interesting traffic rules I must say, like for instance when a police car comes up behind you with lights and siren in Germany, you stop in the middle of the road and wait for the police car to go around you instead of moving aside like we do here.

roddie1971, May 5, 6:21am
shocking for them being in a strange country and having that happen gawd

serf407, May 5, 6:23am
Dumbace NZers better remember there are long winters in Germany/ Northern Europe so there is plenty of time for indoor Karate lessons for Germans and other Northern Europeans.!v=oBHfwT0n8I8

morrisman1, May 5, 6:27am
I feel ashamed, we should not be treating guests in our country in this manner and the people being abusive should crawl back into their holes. The german lady had exactly the right idea and I fully support her for doing her best to ensure that a fair outcome was come to.

People were being so selfish that they couldnt even consider compromising their journey, going another route around the accident, so that this person in an unfortunate and stressful situation could be sure that a fair outcome would be brought.

Shame on you Hamiltonians, you need to think about others for once. I hope that you have an accident in another country some day so that you can feel the same as you made these unfortunate tourists feel.

n1smo_gtir, May 5, 6:48am
wouldnt surprise me if nz loses more and more tourists with the way we treat our tourist. I.e that girl raped n murdered in taupo. The toddler raped and bashed in turangi, tourists mugged n robbed in northland.etc. For such a small nz nz sure set itself some bad examples. Yes there are plenty good people out there but its the neg publicity that slways puts this country in spotlight.

r15, May 5, 2:56pm
Is there a link to any of these offenders!A certain age group!Ethnicity!

As society maybe we need to look at these patterns and focus on them and how we can stop incidents happening

bryshaw, May 5, 4:21pm
'20 angry people from the neighbourhood had arrived'you can guess where the neighbourhood was.

cyborg_nz, May 5, 4:21pm
Sorry guys but if they didn't know and understand our road rules what the hell were they doing driving on our roads
That's just an accident waiting too happen
Luckily they only had a minor accident
But a car in the wrong hands is a lethal weapon and should be treated as such

gunhand, May 5, 4:27pm
They were doing the same as all the other people on the road who are clueless as well but probably better.

bootylicious5, May 5, 4:28pm
Well said & oh so true!

rob_man, May 5, 4:29pm
When did German become a race!

sgrants, May 5, 4:35pm
Idiots! if a crowd is telling you to move your car because your wrong maybe you are in the wrong!

robotnik, May 5, 4:40pm
Well the Nazis did have the concept of a master race of Germanic people.

rob_man, May 5, 4:45pm
Obviously some still think of themselves as arace apart.

tonyrockyhorror, May 5, 4:58pm
Surely as tourists they would have had a camera. a few photos, move the cars.

Silly muff-tuckers.

cyborg_nz, May 5, 5:15pm
I was under the understanding that most of the Germans didn't qualify as Aryan
Thats why Hitler started a breeding program

i-n-horz, May 5, 7:08pm
Dang lucky them 20 buzzards didn't have a can of whoop-ass kracked open om'em if the ol'deutsch was a kampher.*BOOM*--*BANG*--*P-

bellky, May 5, 7:16pm

tahnasha, May 5, 7:18pm
That's appalling what happened to them, how embarrassing for NZ I say.Trying to imagine how scared I would be if I had an accident in another country and 20 local thugs came out and started screaming at me!I know I'd be sh*tting my pants.They obviously wanted to do the right thing, which to them was leaving the accident as it was.They can't be expected to know all the legal in's and out's of a country.Just because 20 people were telling you to jump under a bus, would that make them right.

rob_man, May 5, 7:24pm