Squeeling noise. fan belt?

aunty_jj, May 5, 4:49am
I have a squeeling noise under the bonnet which is worse when the car is cold and stops when I turn the A/C off.
I'm a complete novice at all things car - but it was serviced less than 6 months ago - so I'm figuring it can't be too bad.
I think it must be some sort of belt.Does that sound right!If so - does it need replacing, or just some kind of lubrication!
I will take it to the mechanic if necessary - but it's such a pain to have to work it in my schedule!Would be great if there is something I can sort out in the weekends.
The car is a Nissan Pulsar 2000 if that makes any difference.
Thanks for any advice.

xs1100, May 5, 4:50am
get a can of crc tac too from repco tommorrowand spray it on your belts and also use on your door hinges and locks all good

a.woodrow, May 5, 4:54am
Just get the belts checked and adjusted. Spraying crc etc on them softens them and shortens their life

aunty_jj, May 5, 4:55am
Thanks - I was hoping some quick fix like that might be the answer.I will definitely get onto it tomorrow - the noise is so embarrassing!

gastirling, May 5, 5:14am
I second that.

hijacka, May 5, 5:17am
It would be! I hear people like you drive past and it makes me Cringe.

tonyrockyhorror, May 5, 7:02am
They squeal because they're worn, perished or mis-tensioned - or a combination thereof. Replacing them is the only permanent and proper fix. It'll cost you more to have that done later if you use a product like "Belt Grip" because that goo then needs to be removed.

kazbanz, May 5, 5:05pm
I second getting the belt tightened as first port of call.
Buying belt grip for a one off belt issue is silly. Better off buying a new belt and having it fitted.

len_f, May 21, 7:23am
hi mind your hands try old method blackboard chalkmake sure it gets into the grooves if you have a ribbed belt

doug207, May 21, 7:54am
Get the belt checked/tightened and technically it doesn't have a fan belt (just being pedantic)