Where would the best place be,to get 1.9 turbo diesel,headgasket,head bolts etc,xud9 psa motor!thanks
May 13, 3:13am
easy as every exlusive bretheren drive these so parts are easy to get dont forget to reshim the valve clearance the shims are below the lifters plungeron the headpeugeot headset xud9DJ720N 135$ intercooler gasket 12.50timing belt 62$ thats what i paid for the gaskets . so you got a idea what you shoud pay. and dont skip thingsdo it all if it got hotloads of people dealing in parts and fixing em for the exlusive bretherens.
May 13, 3:22am
Its blowing oil into the water aye!
It will almost definetely be cheaper to get the kit from the UK, maybe ebay and get it shipped over. You need to have a look at how many knotches are out the side of the gasket, that determines its thickness and you should get one the same thickness. They had a common problem of the material breaking down, decomposing itself, until the gasket blows.
Have had one go already, and potentially looking at another. I honestly cannot work out how these engines got the reputation of being reliable!
May 13, 3:29am
they are unreliable because no one services them right . the camshaft has to be fully removed to take out the lifters and then the shims under there. so no one ever does that and it starts blowing up. They are easy to repair but you can not skip steps or it will come back and blow up again and again. Having said this i am not a fan of these engines my self i hate the rubish lucas crap pumps most of them have instead of the better bosch injector pumps.
May 13, 3:41am
Yeah thanks intrade,no its leaking oil at the cambelt end,morrisman,mechanic said it the gasket!!the Brethren that i have seen all driving late model,Toyota ennimas at high speed!lol
May 13, 3:42am
So it cant be that good of an engine then if it requires such special attention.
May 13, 3:43am
The gasket itself is leaking oil! I have a XUD9 head gasket under my desk and Im trying to work out what end is the cambelt end.
May 13, 3:43am
eww enemas i only seen dark skinned people and people who have no money drive enemas so far. seen one just 2 days ago attaching a towrope near warkworth said to may dad another enmea that pooped it self.
May 13, 3:43am
Got a bosch pump ,going to pick it up tomorrow ,so BNT have the parts!
May 13, 3:45am
if the headgasket leakes oil then you must have overfilled the engine with oil we had that issue once on my dads fiesta Dieseli just retorqued the head and it was ok again if gasket is gone then it would put out white smoke put compression in oil or conterminate oil and water with white gunk under oil filler. What you talk dont seems to be a blowen headgasket.
May 13, 3:50am
Id be making sure that it is not the cam oil seal too. The oil gallery is not right at the end so it would take a large failure to get oil coming from the head gasket to the cambelt
edit: disregard that, it looks like it might be at the front
May 13, 4:01am
No we have just brought it off here,it at a workshop ,the owner dosnt want to fix it,mechanic reckons it goes well!but for the leak,no coolant blowing out of it,no smoke apparently ,only going on what the mechanic saying!!
May 13, 4:05am
Does the mechanic know these engines well! If not then you need to find one that does.
May 13, 4:13am
He dosnt like them,!yeah if it turns to shite just have to wreck it out,had bx gti for 5years good car.
May 13, 4:16am
Theres a motor down here which would probably be for sale. 1994 405 SRdt model, bosch pump
May 13, 4:27am
Rodger,we see what happens !
May 21, 7:13am
hi sklennars citroen in hamilton reasonable prices cheers
May 21, 7:34pm
Thanks len,BNT got the parts in the end, from another supplier as they dont list them,gaskets head bolts ,cambelt etc,cheep as chips,just about back together,just waiting for turbo to come back.
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