Hmmm. One of my tyres has LESS THAN HALF the amount of rubber on the road (with which to provide any kind of GRIP during braking or cornering) compared to the other three wheels.
Nah, nothing could possibly go wrong. It's nanny state political correctness gone MAD, I tells ya!
May 8, 3:24pm
Thats why it has a 80km limit and presume the driver has a brain to realise to slow down and drive carefully
May 8, 3:35pm
The Land Transport Rule that allows you to use a spare tyre that doesn't comply with SOME requirements in emergencies does require that the spare is in safe condition, good quality and fit for purpose.
May 8, 3:37pm
You must realize too that these tires must pass speed tests of 3x the limit on the sticker. If it says 80k's on it, do you really think it's going to fail at 95! If it did there would be some serious questions about the tire.
May 8, 3:40pm
Basically we only have a list of suggestions, and no firm law, governing their use, unlike the strict laws many countries have on their use.
May 8, 3:49pm
OTOH. I once had a rental VZ Holden Commodore Acclaim stationwagon, and it had a full-sized spare wheel with a full-sized tyre exactly the same as the road wheels. (I forget what they were, 245 65s maybe, but the spare was definitely the same as the other 4!)
The only difference was the car had alloy wheels and the spare was a steel wheel.
In spite of being a full-sized spare wheel, it still had a sticker saying "WARNING - SPACE SAVER TYRE.vehicles fitted with space-saver spare wheels must not be driven at speeds exceeding 80km/h"
[I suspect GM has been sued a few times after people have abused their space savers and crashed. and eventually GM global CEO just declared that henceforth ALL GM cars shall have that space saver warning sticker attached; no ifs, no buts. ]
May 8, 3:49pm
its not so much a speed rating they fail on I believe it's distance. Anyone remember all the hooha when we first started getting them and people were leaving on the cars for a while and they were blowing causing accidents!
May 8, 3:52pm
In the case of a space saver it is because it is smaller than the factory wheel (considerably in some cases) which affects handling and in some case steering. they quite often pull when braking when you have one fitted. They aren't a safe tyre to be fitted at all for those reasons. They should only ever be a limp to the garage/tyreshop device
May 8, 3:53pm
Tell that to your insurance company when you crash with a bald spare or a space saver fitted to your car
May 8, 4:14pm
Oh, so the driver leaves his/her brain on the side of the road when the space saver is fitted then! I suggest we have an operater problemnot a wheel/tyre problem
May 8, 4:24pm
LOL!All most all incidents are "operator problem"and not the vehicle's equpment. Its quite hard to make rules against stupidity.
May 8, 4:53pm
I have seen police checking spare tires and if not inflated or bald give tickets,in oz
speed for space saver sth akl 120kph
May 8, 4:54pm
There is no rule allowing bald spare tyres so why mention them! Just because you can get a WOF with a dud spare doesn't mean you have any right to use it.
May 8, 5:30pm
in Victoria oz the spare has to be in road worthy condition
May 8, 5:43pm
Isn't that what I said!!
Did you even read my post! If you fit a bald spare tyre (or otherwise unwarrantable) to your vehicle, and then have an accident, of course an insurance co is going to have an issue with it, and you would have to prove that it did not contribute to or cause the accident.
May 8, 6:02pm
Some European factory-supplied space-savers have no tread at all, only a lightly embossed pattern on the tyre surface. Those countries have very strict regulations concerning use of all space-savers though, which we lack.
May 8, 6:41pm
I would agree with you,you may be able to have bald spare tire, the day you go to use it.Is the day you have a problem with the law
May 8, 6:54pm
May 8, 9:46pm
tl:dr but you wont get a WOF if you have a space saver on
May 10, 3:25am
as fast as you can get a real spare
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