88 surf .was hard to start this morning after a cold nite.was thinling the glow plugs.!engine has done around 300k. 30k. since ive had it and ive only done oil changes.is this a easy job
Apr 11, 9:25pm
hard to do what, pull the plugs and check them or change the oil
about the same degree of difficulty involved
disconnect the battery, un plug the glow plugs and remove the common rail, remove each plug, check each across a battery
but first find out how long they are supposed to be on for - time the internal light, similar across the battery should give a glowing tip, and they should all light up approx the same
they normally either work or not, unusual for them to only work partially although on a real cold frosty morning I give her 2 cycles of g/plugs before cranking it
Apr 11, 11:58pm
the ln61 were good for crapping out the glowplug timer have replaced a few of them now with after markets one with adjustable time preset from 3 to 13 seconds you can check this by getting a test light and hooking it up from the glowplug rail to chassis and timeing how long the light stays on for when key is turned on
Apr 12, 12:01am
ln 61 is the old rocker roller engine fitted! also is it coughing for a bit white gray smoke when it starts!
Apr 12, 12:08am
You could just change them all with new ones from toyota they are about 25$ each Be carfull to note how you dismentel the point on engine with insulation pole as you can put it back togather wrong and then poof the glowplug fuse is gone. Happened to me when i changed the engine put it togather without thinking and poof went the 12$ glowplug fuse.Also i hope you use a diesel additive like wynns edt on that or your problem could be something else like air leaking in the diesel or worse worn out Kline shim on the injector pump as the diesel does no longer provide enough lubrication since it went to ultra low sulfur. and always battery disconnected when working on electricals of any car.
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