Incorrect not all GDIs are rated for premium some are rated for regular
Apr 5, 4:13am
OK, let's try the question again, but in English this time.
Apr 5, 5:00am
There're not talking about all GDI's. It the 96 legnum. I would say, put high octane in it.
Apr 5, 6:21am
Care to explain!
Apr 5, 7:40am
yes, low octane fuel will cause deposit buildup on the injectors (they are in the combustion chamber on GDI) and cause blockage.
Apr 5, 3:21pm
If in doubt, use high octane. It's as simple as that.
Both of my cars run on 91, but they both run better on 95 (especially the Honda), so that's what choose I use.
Apr 5, 3:30pm
I can translate for you.
'what petrol would I put in a 96 legnum'
Apr 5, 3:36pm
'what petrol should i put in a '96 legnum !'
Apr 5, 3:42pm
That's better lol.
Apr 5, 4:40pm
Which ones are rated for low octane! I can't say I have been looking but I have never noticed any rated for low octane.
If they exist they would tend to defeat the point of the GDI concept and make it a very difficult engine to design so it worked properly.
Apr 5, 4:59pm
Do tell me why!
Apr 5, 5:14pm
do you know anything about gdi! or are you trying to find out info for yourself!
Apr 5, 5:18pm
The same could be asked of you.
Apr 5, 7:15pm
I have a clue or two, interested in Jazz's comments
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