89 Commodore won't go?

b0tts, Apr 3, 2:54pm
this is my own doing but was stripping the car out for a demolition derby thats coming up pulled the dash out and now the car won't start any sugestions!

pollymay, Apr 3, 3:40pm
Trick question, those things never run :P

You can put the dash back in! Just run the cluster and nothing else, tape it to the pillar or something. Otherwise you can check fuses, is the fuel pump kicking in, are the injectors firing and do you have spark!

motorboy2011, Apr 3, 4:12pm
cars are stupid like this, if i unplug my speedo/rev cluster in my stagea the battery doesnt charge!

bigfatmat1, Apr 3, 4:17pm
That's because it uses the warning light current to excite the alternator.
op have you unpluged the key reader and or bodycontrol module if a vn

b0tts, Apr 3, 4:50pm
The car runs fine put the dash back in only got battery light and cbs light going still not any ignition i guess ive missed something somewere

male_timaru, Apr 3, 4:59pm
Take it slowly - go from negative and positive posts from battery to dashboard lol

May take a while but you will notice if wires not attached or missing from vital components .

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 3, 7:08pm
Can't you just put up some alternator porn in the engine bay!

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 3, 7:27pm