People coming to test drive.

midimiss, Apr 1, 9:35pm
Hi All:) Our son has left for Oz and has left his car here for us to sell. Someone has rung (we have fliers in the windows of the car and parked out front) and they are coming this afternoon to take for test drive etc etc. Now, what is the best way to do this! Do you go with them! I know when we take for a test drive when we buy from a car sales, we can do it on our, but wouldn't have a clue privately! Do you decide upon meeting them, whether it is all above board! Thanks for any help!

gsimpson, Apr 1, 9:37pm
Pays to go with them. You could have awkward legal issues with your insurance if they don't come back or there is an accident. I just bought a car and had no problems with the owner coming with me.

ringo2, Apr 1, 9:38pm
Definitely go with them. And don't fall for the fact that they will leave their car with you as it may well be stolen.

aj254, Apr 1, 9:39pm
Best to go with them, there was actually an incident not far from our place where someone was selling a car and let someone take it for a test drive on their own. (Leaving behind a4x4 that was actually worth more than the car they were test driving.) Next thing the car was involved in some crime,can't remember exact details. Also check their licence first.

bellky, Apr 1, 9:40pm
".Do you decide upon meeting them, whether it is all above board!" Probly a fair amount of that^. If in doubt, err on the side of caution, the buyer is probably not going to be offended if you are cautious.

gman35, Apr 1, 9:56pm
There is no way in the world I would not go with someone when selling a car privately ! , and that is after viewing their licence .

midimiss, Apr 1, 10:25pm
Thanks Everyone:) I thought that would be the case.Told them to come around when Hubby was home - he can go with them:) They must live near us, as said they saw it when they were out for their walk:) Thanks again

mustang-man, Apr 1, 10:39pm
I also wouldn't meet them at your house either, if the car is valuable/of the commonly stolen type. If they like it they might come back when you're not home and take it.

curlcrown, Apr 1, 11:05pm
If you don't have a bit of trust in others you wont be trusted either. I always am extra cautions if I am looking at a car for sale and the seller wants to meet me away from their home or work. It makes me think they have something to hide. Also going with a buyer can sometimes put them off too. Ofcourse its up you what you do but I trust most people and most people trust me. Very rearly do I go on test drives with buyers, infact only when they ask me to, and very rearly do sellers want to come with me on a test drive.

bellky, Apr 1, 11:13pm
This is a good point. Referring to the last two cars I bought, one owner let me, my bro and gf take the car where ever for as long as we wanted and the other guy let me look at the car at his house while no one else was home (house unlocked) for over an hour before he had even met me.

jason18, Apr 2, 1:31am
Most of my cars I have let people just take the car. No worries. Altho selling my B4 legacy I went with them

morrisman1, Apr 2, 1:36am
I havnt sold a car in a while but would go with them, just for peace of mind. If they have a problem with your presence then they would have probably been up to no good and you might have just saved your car.

When test driving cars for purchasing or when I look at them for mates I always, without exception, offer the seller to come with me. Its not like you need to be hard on a car during a test drive anyway.

mustang-man, Apr 2, 1:45am
It happened to someone i know (they got the potential buyer to come to thier house to view/test drive it, next morning the car was stolen), so all depends on what type of car it is i suppose.

supernova2, Apr 2, 1:49am
Many years ago I was trying to trade a Mini at the Ford dealer.He went for a drive in it with me.After he trashed the daylights out if it I just lent forward and took the keys from the ignition.(joys of center key) Made the twit walk back to his yard - about 5 miles.Didnt work there much longer either.

mantagsi, Apr 2, 2:37am
haha I would have loved to see his face when he finally got back to the yard :) fancy thrashing the car, especially with you in it, thats a bit naff

neville48, Apr 2, 2:50am
I would definatly go along, in fact I always drive first then after they see how well it goes etc, I offer them a drive, pull over and let them drive, me still there. Nothing peeves you off more thaan someone takes yur car for a drive and comes back and the exhaust is going TINK TINK TINK TINK from being so hot. a dead giveaway from a thrashing.

tigra, Apr 2, 2:57am
Besides when you go along with them you can answer any questions they have that come up during the drive.

n1smo_gtir, Apr 2, 3:48am
i would def go along. when i go view a car i invite the seller to come for a ride so as mentioned i can ask questions about the vehicle and the seller can rest at ease that their belonging is not been mistreated in anyway. i treat others belonging with respect but not everyone hold same value.

trogedon, Apr 2, 3:18pm
Sometimes they want you along as they don't know the area - where to drive and how to get back to the starting place.