Vr commodore not starting.

skidd4, Mar 31, 8:22pm
Cars fitted with immobiliser/alarm, yesterday i went push the immobiliser button and nothing happend. Its not the battery in car or remote have checked them.

Is there any way to disconnect the immobiliser so i can start car. and get the window up (as its half way down) thats the worst part.

mar-mite, Mar 31, 10:57pm
Just Commodores forum has helped me in the past, might be worth a look

doug207, Apr 1, 4:51am
You should be able to get the window up with the key in the ignition. If it'sa having immobiliser problems the horn would be going off when you open/shut the door or try to start it.
If you've ruled out the battery in the key and car then it might be the slip ring in the ignition barrel.
Good luck on the Holden forum

bigfatmat1, Apr 1, 2:38pm
factory immobiliser can be turned off in the left hand pillar by the door strap there is a key switch to turn off. You can have immobiliser problems without the horn sounding!