Jap Imports

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666steve, May 19, 3:51am
.or even new cars.

Are they being tested for radioactive contamination either before they leave Japan , or when they get here!

neo_psy, May 19, 3:52am
Yep - I've seen some fresh imports with a sticker saying they've been checked.

666steve, May 19, 5:25am
That's good.

Who checks them - Japan or us!

robotnik, May 19, 5:32am
Also what about salt water damage from the tsunami! That'd mean a rust bucket of a car with electrical problems pretty soon down the track.

pebbles61, May 19, 5:47am
I hear radiation makes them go faster!

kazbanz, May 19, 10:30pm
ROTFLMAO--have you SEENthe state of the cars hit by the tsunami!
Most of em even the wreckers diddn't want to touch they were so RBand A'd
BUT- very late at night if you live in the far north you may be able to fish a glowing hiace van out of the sea.
-Yes the cars are scanned for radioactivity in Japan and they were doing it on entry to NZ.
Kinda like the cars from Christchurch that are ALL having electrical and mechanical issues caused by the earthquake.

modie61, May 19, 10:34pm
What happens is they are found to be radioactive ! Do they get sent back or are they sent to France ! Just asking.

kazbanz, May 19, 10:40pm
The gubbiment has been looking at ways to create cheap power supplies. And boost tourism
The radioactive cars are being burried in our hydrothermal areas to regenerate the electricity plants there. A MINOR side effect has been thatjapanese tourists are enjoying a new sport. Night trout fishing. Aparently the trout are starting to glow in the dark.

gunhand, May 19, 10:46pm
It means in a few years you can blaim the government for getting cancer because your import gave it to you.
I think Im never leaving the house again, its getting far to dangerous out there.

666steve, May 19, 10:46pm
Thanks kazbanz, I was hoping you would pipe up.

I am looking at buying either a recent import or a new car .

I don't trust the Japanese inspections as the Jap government has been lying all along since 3/11.The Nissan engine plant is only 42km from Fukushima, and dangerously high radiation levels are being found in Tokyo and beyond. Are the NZ checks still continuing, and are they thorough!

brokebloke1, May 19, 10:59pm
Radioactive cars must be the safest cars around as when it gets dark they would glow wouldnt they! no need for headlights

neo_psy, May 20, 6:59am
I suppose in theory, you could take a Geiger (sp!) counter to your local car yard and see what happens.

666steve, May 20, 10:04am
You would need a pretty flash one to detect the real nasties like Plutonium.

thejazzpianoma, May 20, 10:14am
Fukishima is in a really really bad way.
I just can't believe the mainstream media are ignoring the most important story to affect the world. ever!

In case some readers didn't know, the N.o 4 reactors roof is being held up with jacks to stop it falling. On top of the roof with no protection other than corrugated iron is the pool full of spent rods. (spent rods are the worst kind of nasty)

If there is another decent shake the whole lot comes down, when this happens the water drains from the rods, a radioactive fire starts and that will ignite all the other fuel rods stored on the other reactors as they are only 50m apart.

In short Big Quake = Goodbye northen hemisphere.

Seriously. the only viable option will be to evacuate the entire northern hemisphere.

Oh, and yes I would be concerned about parts being manufactured that close. Worth checking as radioactive contamination is happening as far away as the U.S

mike1345, May 20, 9:24pm
Yep, you know there's something seriously wrong when we have the biggest nuclear incident since Chernobyl, yet you don't hear anything about it at all on the mainstream media. Hush hush.

666steve, May 20, 9:57pm
.much bigger than Chernobyl.

3 x reactors meltdown instead of 1, plus one of them was MOX fueled (plutonium)

jenny188, May 20, 10:34pm
They go to Ponsonby. Rather trendy they are.

eagles9999, May 20, 10:41pm
Obviously if you are so concerned you should be buying something Aussie made.

tigra, May 20, 10:48pm
Thats total bullshit. Iwaki City where the Nissan plant is located is 200km away from Fukushima
The rumours about radioactive cars have been started by USA manufacturers who see it as a good way to put off the American public from buying imports

horsygirl, May 20, 10:55pm
Just take one for a test drive at night.see if it glows with the lights off.

666steve, May 20, 11:11pm
Try Google Earth. Iwaki is less than 40km from Fukushima.

The "rumours" about radioactive cars have been started by those who know the true extent of the disaster in Japan.

kcc55a, May 20, 11:20pm
This site says differentlyhttp://www.prokerala.com/travel/distance/from-fukushima/to-iwaki/. Puts atnearly 90km.

666steve, May 21, 12:22am
That's by road.

Around 40 km as the crow flies - radiation would use the same direct route.

Still way less than your 200km.

Edit - The distance you quoted is from Fukushima city , not the power station.

pebbles61, May 21, 5:35am
Do we check British & French cars for mad cow disease!! =O

kazbanz, May 21, 5:43am
or cars from Christchurch for flood damage. Or cars from another country for total destruction