Drive all day for $1.70 Really?

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tonyrockyhorror, May 31, 12:02am
No way in hell.
$1.70. 7kWh. So 7 hours @ 1kW (1.3HP). Total fantasy.

adrianae, May 31, 12:04am
+1 for tony hehehe

shane.64, May 31, 12:52am
The motor looks home made and looks like its only got a few car batteries running it . It probably would take about $1.70 + a hole day to charge up those kind of batteries

papas_missus, May 31, 1:56am what should it cost!

mugenb20b, May 31, 1:57am
Your username sounds familiar.

papas_missus, May 31, 2:03am
Just somebody that you used to know . says Gotye

clark20, May 31, 2:06am

papas_missus, May 31, 2:08am
No - it's his missus. :) Miss him much!

johnf_456, May 31, 2:55am
Paps coming back under a different non banned name, wonder how long he will last this time under a new identity.

papas_missus, May 31, 3:03am
Lets see dear Johnny boy, I'm his partner. I'm allowed an account. You got a problem with that! If so, we know your form. Do what you will, johnny.

friendly_prawn, May 31, 3:03am
gee, why dont you just shout it from the roof tops

johnf_456, May 31, 3:04am

friendly_prawn, May 31, 3:20am
stuffed if I know where your heads at some times John .

jmma, May 31, 3:22am
Don't start him off FP (o:

johnf_456, May 31, 3:26am
Sarcasm is a wonderful thing, lighten up just pulling ya leg.

chevcamaro, May 31, 3:34am
john who!

jmma, May 31, 3:36am
Look i have told you not to call me john. I am not going to tolerate name calling, you can think whatever you like for my name but my name is not john.

I am a allowed a opinion just like everyone else if you don't like it tough!

Edited by johnf_456 at 6:25 pm, Thu 31 May

johnf_456 (159

johnf_456, May 31, 3:37am
Following me around again jmma.

jmma, May 31, 3:39am
Sarcasm is a wonderful thing, lighten up just pulling ya leg.


chevcamaro, May 31, 3:54am
john john john, calm down, take a step back have a kit kat,,,,,,,

skittles93, May 31, 4:17am
lol whats next! toyotapriuspete!

clark20, May 31, 5:01am
ohh dang, tell you what just use PP or something, we promise not to make a fuss

fordkiwi27, May 31, 5:03am
poor paps missus gone already!

sr2, May 31, 5:09am
Johnno strikes again!

jmma, May 31, 5:12am