Cause of car heater burning feeling in throat?

bellasmoons, May 31, 3:58am
I just drove home and had the heater going. Changed the heater so itwas coming out directly infront and next thing it was like if you imagine opening an oven door when you have burnt food in it but without the visible smoke. Had to turn it off and choked, tears in my eyes, my throat is still in pain now. What the hell happened!

bellasmoons, May 31, 3:59am
It's that subaru impreza you guys told me not to get lol ^^ Been a pretty reliable car other than this tonight.

morrisman1, May 31, 4:07am
air conditioned!

daryl14, May 31, 3:34pm
Someone's put some nasty shit in the vents. Get it checked out.

kazbanz, May 31, 3:43pm
my thinking is a smell neutraliser is in there and the heat is causing a weird effect

edangus, May 31, 3:56pm
Boiling Battery! Had this on an Accord. New battery fixed it.

saxman99, May 31, 5:00pm
Could this be a little bit of vapourised coolant!

usdefault, May 31, 6:54pm
Change the cabin filter.

noswalg, Jun 1, 12:31am
Definitely something to look at, I've had a subaru heater core go before and it smelt pretty bad. usually would see some steaming of windows though or a wet floor under dash if really bad

bellasmoons, Jun 1, 5:13am
I will show husband these comments and tell him to test drive the car and see if it does it again. Im not going to try again to see if it happens twice -- not fun + not good being preggers. ^^

intrade, Jun 1, 5:42am
get it checked it can only be 2 things either its got a crack and is eveporarting coolant glycol that would cause a burning . or its got a airconditioning leak, i dont know if that gas is causing problems and or how toxic it would be but coolant cuases iritatin and has a destinctive ugly smell sweet smell

intrade, Jun 1, 5:43am
only other thing causing irritation would be burning wiring

cpnnz, Jun 1, 6:20am
could be oil leaking from rocker cover gaskets burning on exhausts, then the fumes from that being drawn through the heating, and out the vent into your face. have struck it many times on Subarus.