It's a chance to practice drafting and take advantage of the fuel savings they are offering you!
Jun 30, 7:32pm
I always thought it was the BMW lane so i always use it .
Jun 30, 7:36pm
Is that by tailgating them and hence reducing drag!
Jun 30, 8:37pm
and their vehicles don't require indicators to change lanes's our problem to ensure our brakes are up to grade for stopping!
Jun 30, 9:11pm
Oh really ! Not all of us . my wife is constantly irritated because I have to be "first" all the time, no mucking around here. Though to be fair I do get called a dick quite regularly !
Jun 30, 9:15pm
black, with a large, ornate mahogony box in the 1st one, by any chance !
Jun 30, 11:58pm
I think we need a "keep to the left lane unless passing" and a "no passing on the left" law similar to the UK. It's still not an offence in NZ to hog the right lane if you are close to the speed limit, it sure causes a lot of aggravation.
Jul 1, 12:03am
thats due to NZ not actually having motorways, over here they're expressways, or is that the otherway round, one has internationally recognised rules contrary to the other - but what happens when you leave the motorway at the bombays and enter the expressway! typical kiwi attitude is bugga it, theres a whole lane un-used out there and I refuse to be behind anyone, I'll make my own queue with me at the front
Jul 1, 12:03am
It should be an offence!
The road code makes it clear where sll drivers should be.
Keeping left on a laned road Most roads in New Zealand have lanes marked on them with a white line or raised studs.
When driving on a laned road, it is important to drive your vehicle within your lane.
Where there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line:
???keep in the left-hand lane as much as you can ???don't use the lane closest to the centre line if you will hold up other vehicles. The lane closest to the centre line should only be used when:
???you want to pass another vehicle ???you want to turn right ???the left-hand lane is full with other traffic or is blocked.
Jul 1, 12:49am
Actually this is in a Corolla. I haven't worked for a company that runs Hondas for nearly 5 years, more's the pity.
(This is the Corolla that gets to 100km/h a whole second slower than your amazing H.o.l.d.e.n, if I remember that other thread correctly. How many extra pounds of boost did you say your H.o.l.d.e.n. is running again!)
Jul 1, 12:52am
LOL no, they weren't together in a convoy!
To my shame I **nearly** abused a hearse that was travelling in the fast lane once. (It was a pretty nondescript hearse though. A Falcon or a Commodore or something. )
Jul 1, 12:57am
Are you sure your speedo is accurate! A Benz will typically have a dead accurate speedo, but your Corolla could be as much as 10% out even when new because that is as accurate as Japanese manufacturers are required to go to. Your indicated 100km/h could be 110km/h or more, so the jokes on you when you get the ticket for speeding!
Jul 1, 1:23am
I must admit that as much as drivers who hog the right lane gets up my nose, it's the drivers on the open road who expect others to pull over when they are driving too fast for the conditions that really pisses me off;and I??
Jul 1, 4:39am
No worries there, I know the Rolla's speedo over-estimates speed by *exactly* 10%.
Jul 1, 4:46am
When we were traveling behind the hearse to the crematorium for my mum some islander got between me and the hearse on a single lane road in a 50k zone then jammed on the picks. I was ready to ram them off the road, things were bad enough without some fat chainsmoking guy in a crappy bluebird weaving through the funeral convoy.
Jul 1, 4:53am
Are you jealous, their car is better and also looks better, than yours!
Jul 1, 7:27am
Most cars are very much the opposite of this in my experience, of 100 on the speedo often resulting in you doing 93 94 and in some cases 90 on a lot of Japanese vehicles in my experience. Euros do also but I have mostly serviced and repaired japanese vehicles.
Jul 1, 4:49pm
Yeah that's it. Owning a beige, base-spec Mercedes with a slush box, wooly seat covers and about 2/3 of the horsepower the chassis wants would really validate my whole existence on this earth!
(I have driven Mercedes Benzes. They are nice but they are not my thing.)
Jul 1, 4:58pm
Have to say I still luv my old 93 E320, should have sold the damn thing years back but it's just so competent (and quick) on the open road.
Jul 1, 6:25pm
Beamer drivers show more respect but also hate people who hog the right lane.Seems a prevalent habit of people entering the Southern motorway from southern suburbs and heading to the CBD.
Jul 1, 7:51pm
Buy a VH holden commodore and weld a piece of rail way steel to the front. use this combo to push these cars out of the way.
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