My brother wants to trade in his LS1 Commodore for

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thegravelracer, Jul 2, 9:40pm
Both are crap cars really

franc123, Jul 2, 10:11pm
Exactly, the obvious choice here is to buy a V6 Accord.

doug207, Jul 2, 10:16pm
I'd go with a diesel Multipla.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 2, 10:42pm
O.K so assuming he wants a butty looking Wagon and assuming the Commodore is worth roughly around 14K or so he could likely pick up an A6 or Allroad Diesel if he is patient. The last part being the important part.
In a big wagon Diesel is what you want if you also want economy around town. The Audi Diesel will still get out an boogie on the open road too and what a seriously nice machine they are too.

grangies, Jul 2, 11:01pm
3rd world!

Like where!

rjgmjs, Jul 3, 12:37am
Go for a Toyota Cavalier. most popular car. in the workshop.

bentcoupe, Jul 3, 1:52am
Is your brother one of the Village People!

cowboy110, Jul 3, 2:12am
Just give him a slap round the ears and tell him not to be so stupid!

grangies, Jul 3, 2:17am

What 3rd world country manufactures cars!

bigfatmat1, Jul 3, 2:23am
He should definetly buy a accord euro

johnf_456, Jul 3, 2:48am
Dont you hate all japanese cars!

cowboy110, Jul 3, 3:09am
C'mon guys.We're talking about an alternative for a 5.7litre LS1 Commodore.I've got one and to be honest it's just as economical as the V6 Commodore I had earlier.As soon as you mention V8, people think "gas guzzler".You'll probably find the Ls1 is as economical as any 6 cylinder.

johnf_456, Jul 3, 3:15am
Oh ok, just the way you talk about jap cars ar times. No big deal.

cowboy110, Jul 3, 3:40am
Look at it this way. The difference between a V8 Commodore and a Soobaru Gt might be 2l/100kms (4 bucks).What would he be rather driving.As I said earlier. Give him a slap round the ear and tell him to wake up.

dante055, Jul 3, 3:47am
for even thinking of doing that.he deserves the jappa.

grangies, Jul 3, 3:50am
LOL. Thailand is not a third world country. Thailand is far from it.

They may have some folks living like 3rd world villages in the mountains, but their automotive industry is up the with the Australians poor auto standards.

Cheap cars, just like the Aussie built ones.

dante055, Jul 3, 3:53am
i had a gt once.then i brought a it so much i went and got a VX to go with it.will never go back.

nz2293, Jul 3, 3:56am

ninja_man, Jul 3, 3:58am
get an evo or something, a lot better than a commy

nickolaz, Jul 3, 4:02am
According to my data, a 2000 Legcacy 2.0 manual wagon should use 12.3L /100km around town, or 7.7L/100km on the open road.

ninja_man, Jul 3, 4:02am
haha fair enough

grangies, Jul 3, 4:04am
No .

I own a Mercedes and an Isuzu.

I was just explaining that Thailand is not 3rd word.

richardmayes, Jul 3, 4:08am
Your brother's holden would totally beat your holden in a fight scotty.

He should keep it.

cowboy110, Jul 3, 4:10am
Does your data tell you what a 2000 VX LS1 Commodore does!

chris_051, Jul 3, 4:14am
When driven carefully the ability of dipping below 9l/100km on the open road. Ohh and the 5.7s are more than capable of clocking up half a million kays with basic R&M, good luck doing that in a twin turbo legacy.