I will take the 50.To many cant afford the petrol and on road costs so anything else they spend on a car is seen a s a treat for it.
May 29, 2:11am
Regardless of wof status it is upto the owner to keep the vehicle upto standard. just because you have the magic sticker does not mean it needs no work for the next 6 months!
Jun 4, 8:53am
hell no, for years i new my merc would fail a wof so ijust rang a friend to write me out a new wof.i use a family members car now soi get the car testedat my local testing station.
Jun 4, 3:24pm
"Does W.O.F make your car safer to drive!"
Of course it does . but a valid fresh wof has almost nothing to do with HOW BADLY it responds to being driven incorrectly.
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