Will not post link but you can search "Accident Camry 2012 drifting"in youtube.
Not for the faint of heart!
May 27, 7:15am
going by that title, without looking, i'm guessing it's the arabs going slideways at about 200 kph in, then rolling it and people go flying out of the car!
May 27, 7:27am
Yes it is. Darwin awards a plenty in that part of the world!
May 27, 1:50pm
I don't think seatbelts are of primary concern when you are the type that skates along on your shoes hanging out the doors on an 8 lane highway
May 27, 2:19pm
Strange laws in some of those Arab states.
You can be arrested for kissing in public, yet in turn I've seen video footage of those public gatherings where they drift their cars uncontrollably. When the cops turned up everyone just ignored them and continued their mad driving. Even pulling alongside the police and leering and jeering out the windows.
Butif they were all kissing, the cops would have arrested them. LOL.
May 27, 2:27pm
If they were allowed to go to the pub and drink booze like the rest of us,then that sort of thing wouldn't happen.
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