Car insurance claim declined

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jmma, May 25, 3:06am
Oh well, at least someone loves you (o:

40wav, May 25, 3:11am
So what was the purpose of the title and first post! Just for our general information!

noswalg, May 25, 3:11am
just be glad you didn't hit a cyclist or pedestrian while checking for those all important msg's. Life could be a whole lot worse for you right now! Certainly doesn't sound like much remorse on your part though so maybe your the type of person that just doesn't give a s#@t. Good luck seeking all your future insurance policies

usdefault, May 25, 3:15am
A little maggot teenager did the same thing to my vehicle with no insurance whilst texting Then decided she'd only pay half of the court ordered 4k. at 100 bucks a month. Too much hassle to chase the remainder now she's up the duff and on the DPB.

At least OP did the right thing and paid the guy she hit straight away.

40wav, May 25, 3:33am
So Maddy and Mudguts go quiet.
I agree though, at least Maddy paid up and seems to have learned a lesson.

tonyrockyhorror, May 25, 9:34am
Clearly this didn't actually happen.

Another idiot for the ignore list!

kazbanz, May 25, 9:56am
The ONLY reason the "op" paid was because someone else paid for her.
If it was a 15k car I bet it would have been a different story.If she diddn't have hubby to dig her out of the mess she created -again a different story.
You notice the entire tone of the thread is in no way remorseful. I read it as being that the OP feels its the insurance companies fault.

jkm, May 25, 1:50pm
yea just dumb bad luck, no bad decisions here.

extrayda, May 25, 2:43pm
I read it that they were asking advice re insurance.Admitted they were at fault.Paid up for the person they hit.Didn't seem to be looking for pity.Seems to realise they made a mistake.Yes, not a smart one (I have never been without full insurance), and yes, lucky they didn't hit a person, or a $100,000 car, but we all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them.

lookoutas, May 25, 3:27pm
I asked if the cops were involved - OP said yes - therefor OP will get screwed over by Insurance Co, who now have the law on their side.

kazbanz, May 25, 6:02pm
The insurance company will always have the law on its side if you drive without the correct licence.

clark20, May 25, 6:18pm
First of all it was not an accident, it was the reaction of a stupid action. An accident is when is was out of your control and unexpected. Thats why they banned looking at your phone while driving.

lookoutas, May 25, 8:13pm
Whatta you been smoking clarkie!

Sorry -20

andrea_w, May 25, 8:59pm
A huge +1 to that!

sifty, May 25, 9:44pm
The poor me attitude annoys me too.

Completely self inflicted and comes on here moaning.!

supernova2, May 26, 2:23am
@usdefault Your problem is easy.Back to court for an attachment order on the DPB you will get paid direct by WINZ every week without fail.Don't let her get away with it cause she'll do it again and again and again if you do.If the first order was from the DT the subsequent actions are free for you.

usdefault, May 26, 4:48am
Thanks for the heads up supernova, and yeah it was a DT order.