Who would i see about getting my heater vents

nonick27, May 16, 10:58pm
heat only comes out of the windscreen vent.Can i fix this myself or who would i go too to fix it.Its a 1998 mondeo

martin11, May 16, 11:01pm
Trade it in to a car sales

jason18, May 16, 11:13pm
Might be a hose come off under the dash. Have a look under and see if any hoses are hanging off!

andrea_w, May 16, 11:28pm
The motors to direct airflow within the heater box sound like they're not working. It could be a major (getting to and replacing a motor) but it could be a simple fix (a connecting rod has come off).
It's impossible to diagnose over the net but an auto sparky might be the best bet.

nonick27, May 16, 11:33pm

kazbanz, May 16, 11:37pm
what andrea is saying-the controller that switches the air flow is the issue but what is physically wrong could be all sorts

nonick27, May 16, 11:43pm
its just that it wont swich vents,rest is ok

nonick27, May 16, 11:44pm
its like its stuck on the windscreen vent

mlh19658, May 16, 11:57pm
Leaf stuff! Had the same once. The stuff got in down the bonnet gap below the wipers. Once cleaned out, good as.

jason18, May 17, 12:02am
Oh. Ignore what I said then

nonick27, May 17, 12:31am
not ignoreing,takeing all advice,

singing1, May 17, 1:24am
This Saturday gone was spent by me looking for the rats nest in my friends car.well yes we found three rats nests in the system. One under the drivers side wiper/vent, one in the actual heater fan and one in the aircon refrigerator unit housing. No the car doesn't live at my place but close to a small swamp just south of Hamilton. They were full of building paper and a dead mouse/rats lunch plus a couple of chewed up tee shirts. It took a while to sort it out.

nave12, May 17, 1:46am
I had the same thing in my fairmont 93,i had knocked off a small vacuum hose inside the engine bay and posted a question on another forum as to why i could'nt change my fan settings from the windscreen demister to any of the other settings and i was told to look for a small hose(a bit smaller round ness to a straw) that was off,i found it put it back to where it had to go and it was all go again.