i have just perchased a 95 isuzu bighorn 3.1 manual.id does not engauge into 4wd at all the 4wd light on the dash comes on when i start it but not when i engauge the leaver. what could this be!
Jun 2, 12:04am
Has it got manual locking hubs!
Jun 2, 12:05am
na auto
Jun 2, 12:14am
OK, go find some mud and get stuck. Then, engage 4WD and see if you can get out of the poo (don't go alone, have a second vehicle go with you).
Jun 2, 12:19am
i was down the river when i needed 4wd, got out luckily.could a vacume hose have come off and cause this!
Jun 2, 12:33am
No . Totally seperate . The auto hubs work on a mechanical system and work great in theroy but in real world . not so good . If you want to go some semi serious 4wdingbuy some manual hubs . ( about $200 from a wrecker)
Jun 2, 12:43am
they get stuck if it haven't been used in 4wd occasionally, like mugenb said go do some circular skids in and out of 4wdand see if you can free it.
Jun 2, 1:20am
perry-- I advise anyone that buys a bighorn to put it into 4wd at ;least once a month and drive it for a km or three . The hubs just seize up from lack of use otherwise. As those above have advised you will most likely find that the best option is to fit a set of manual locking front hubs. Its cheaper to do that than to fix the auto hubs in most cases (by now)
Jun 2, 4:39pm
Auto hubs also have a nasty habit of "only just engaging" When the pressure really comes on , such as a steep hill climb, the small amount of spline that is doing the driving shears off, and leaves you with 2wd only. Buy manual hubs. HEAPS Better.
Jun 2, 4:55pm
nztyea but thats all to do with the use it or loose it issue isn't it/
Jun 3, 4:25pm
just to be safe i engaged mine and ran it round the paddocks for half an hourhope i dont get future probs
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