Ticketed for 106 whilst passing a truck

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morrisman1, Jun 3, 12:33am
No, you choose to drive at 90. I choose to drive at 110 because Im not retarded and can make my own risk assessment

pollymay, Jun 3, 12:39am
I went past a schoolbus in an AMG merc once while officers looked on. I was trying to figure out how to get it to hold a gear and it had a stiff pedal, landed up pushing it into a low gear you can't normally select and put my foot down to take off but rather than that normal grunty high geared german take off I was expecting I just dumped a mountain of torque in a abnormally low gear onto the rear tyres.

The cops looked at me funny as I peeled out right next to them. I did the sane thing and put the stick back where I found it, that brought the V8 down but not the tyres so I put on my cool face pretending I didn't just do that as I drove off. Didn't get pulled over though.

gunhand, Jun 3, 12:41am
Yea but thats what everybody thinks there doin though, sadly many shouldnt be doin 50 let alone 110kph.Most people think there in total control, untill there not!

johnf_456, Jun 3, 12:43am
I agree and gunhand being at St john in the past gunhand would see his share of nasty accidents.

johnf_456, Jun 3, 12:43am
I agree and gunhand being at St john in the pastwould see his share of nasty accidents.

berg, Jun 3, 12:44am
But we have laws to cover the lowest common denominator, and at 110 you are breaking them. Sure, you are a handy pedeller and a good thinker behind the wheel but what other laws should you be allowed to break because you are better than others! Should you be allowed to run red lights because you have good eye sight to see things coming! Should you be allowed to not warrent your car because you have better mechanical knowlage than the average person! One law for all and until we raise the level of the lowest common denominator I can't see it changing

johnf_456, Jun 3, 12:46am
Right on berg

gunhand, Jun 3, 12:52am
One or 6 yea. Interestingly the ones you came across that looked unsurvivable were and the ones that looked ok wernt.But thats more to do with how the car handled it. Ive seen people smashed to bits, cars inbeded in trees and you have to count body parts to know how many were/are in there and even then you can miss someone.
I think many have the attitude of "it wont happen to me" .And do you know how many snivelling heros Ive come across.All balls and speed till there smashed around a pole and killed there mates. And they always cry, "I didnt mean too"Shame they didnt think of that before doin what they do.

morrisman1, Jun 3, 1:05am
I agree too, which is why I don't ever and never have busted a red light. My car is always warranted (with the exception of when Im taking a project for a test). I don't want the warrant system changed, because although I am confident with my mechanical skills, things like ball joints and various bushes I wont check unless I have a feeling something is wrong. WOF is the only time that stuff gets checked.

I got pulled up the other night because I travelled through an intersection very quickly and raised the cops attention. It was one where you cross one lane and you turn right into your own lane. You have about 5 second before you hit the intersection to make a go/no-go decision and if you choose to go then there is no reason to slow down below the 50 km/h limit. It was completely safe yet I get pulled up for not being retarded and slowing down where it would have been completely unnecessary

lpggas, Jun 3, 1:06am
What a load of illogical crap . Yeah it will really contribute to road safety having 150 cars lined up behind a truck cause everybody's to shit scared too pass at the criminal speed of 106 So they all go into autopilot mode & fall asleep , I'm saying being ticketed whilst passing a truck at 106 is doing nothing for road safety . How many times do i have to say I AM NOT PROMOTING OR CONDONING RECKLESS SPEEDING ! ,

johnf_456, Jun 3, 1:14am
You have to draw the line somewhere, allow 100 and you will have some experts wanting 105 then 110 it wront stop.

murray55, Jun 3, 1:16am
Very well put. Sitting behind some trees ready to ping some "criminal" doing 110 ks along a dual lane motorway on a clear day with light traffic has absolutely nothing at all to do with road safety. Why on earth aren't the traffic police out patrolling our roads dealing with the abysmaldangerous driving we all see everyday .FOR INSTANCE not switching lights on at dusk or in murky weather conditions !

modie61, Jun 3, 1:24am
Will do berg,passing through 1430-1500 ish.

modie61, Jun 3, 1:25am
Work alongside a paramedic and you will understand why the responsible people out there dont speed.

lpggas, Jun 3, 1:27am
Again well put , unfortunately the many sheep who have comented on the thread & who think they are perfect drivers always misinterpret comments like yours or mine as promoting reckless speeding . Unfortunately the socks & Sandle wearers in charge of road safety in NZ have brainwashed many into thinking that the only requirements to be a safe driver is to stick to 99 & wear your seatbelt . Until that mentality is abolished the road toll will never improve . Police will never ticket cars for driving in poor conditions without headlights as they are the worst culprits . Saw a patrol car in a middle of a line of 99ers this afternoon . Every car except the copper had there lights on

lpggas, Jun 3, 1:31am
& having closed the 2 passing lanes between paraparaumu & Waikane we now end up with idiots using the 50k zone through the shopping centre as a passing lane . Somehow the bird heads who closed the passing lane in the 100 k area think this is a better option despite there being pedestrians , parked cars , bus stops etc in the 50 k zone

modie61, Jun 3, 1:37am
And why o why do we have lines of parked cars on both sides of SH1 going north !
This is hazard city i reckon.

slarty45, Jun 3, 2:09am
I remember a top traffic cop on the box, said it was ok to speed briefly while passing to reduce time in oncoming lane, then back to limit once passed.
Seemed logical but that was 20-25 yrs ago.

granada, Jun 3, 2:17am
Incorrect . Australia gives a 3 km tolerance PLUS a 3 km Margin for speedo error so if a speed camera snaps you the ticket will say " alleged speed 107 , actual speed 104 . So you have to be snapped by radar or camera at 107 or more before you will get ticketed[/quote]

And recieve demerit points for speed camera offences.

johnf_456, Jun 3, 2:22am
incorrect has the four k only applys for long weekends here.

edangus, Jun 3, 2:31am
Meh, I have had 2 speeding tickets. I know I have sped more than twice in my life.
On a daily basis I actually play by the rules, I never speed in Urban areas and keep within 5km of posted limit.

Last ticket was for 118km (passing lane - passing 2 milk tankers) ran out of road and could not fit between them (they were too close to each other) so I speed up to about 130km to finish my maneouver (sp) low and behold Cop coming towards me and bang I am done. Dont even bother to run just pulled over and waited for him to show up (about 2 mins later he did).
The usual mate did ya. I said yup.he said "Look, cheers for pulling over and not making me chase you". Me "No prob, what was I gonna do anyway".he said "You would be surprised".
He clocked me at 135, 129 and 118, gave me a ticket for 118Km, cos I stopped, and he "Knows it can be tricky overtaking these Milk Tankers"

I said. "Fair Cop".I still think he made the right call that day.

lpggas, Jun 3, 2:44am
I have no problem with demerit points for speed cameras as currently rich people don't have to worry about speed cameras . What's a few hundy in fines if your're a millionaire . And the real dregs of society just get he fines put on there tab & then when the bailiffs eventually catch them they just get a few months pd and all fines are wiped .

murph2068594, Jun 3, 6:03am
Why should we risk our lives with a potential head-on crash just to pass someone doing 87 Kph on our 100 Kph a State Highway.

Most posts here are about fines, demerit points, quota, revenue etc, etc.

Why doesn't our State Highway 1 consist of three lanes south and three lanes north with a grassed area barrier in the middle!

It's now 2012 and we still have the same "Two lane goat track" with a strip of white paint to separate us from instant death.

Oh sure we have "passing lanes", where else apart from NZ can you see a tractor and baler go across all four lanes to get to the other side!

I get on the Northern Christchurch Motorway and you're on it for 5 minutes and that's it.!

Had a tourist come over here for the Rugby World Cup and as we drove down State Highway 1, he asked me "When do we get on the InterState!" i said we're on it, "You're joking!" . Nope, this is it.

It should be 6 lanes from Invercargill to Auckland and 110 Kph.
Heavy Trucks on the left, Buses and vehicles towing caravans or trailers in the middle, cars on the right lane. and just drive.


fryan1962, Jun 3, 7:26am
the whole thing sux.if you do not agree go to court

david.b, Jun 3, 2:53pm
Wondering, why not just have a 100km speed limit for all vehicles, if everyone is legally going the same speed the necessity to pass other vehicles must be reduced!