appleman71, Jun 2, 5:04pm
VY! I cant remember how to do it! any help!

berg, Jun 2, 5:08pm
Hold down the up and down buttons while turning on the key then press reset

appleman71, Jun 2, 5:45pm
Thanks,managed to wipe it completely!was annoying anyway

guest, Sep 25, 4:16pm
I'm Renea Mackie, a parent and ICT hepler at Discovery 1 School/Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti, in Christchurch, NZ. Last year, we started using a CMS with a community builder extension to enable one of the Homebases (classes) to do their work online. We tested this site over Term 4 and are now setting up the same thing for the rest of the Homebases.Our system allows students, parents, learning advisers and mentors, to create a profile. It is similar to a social network but is more article focused. The students publish articles (their work) and are able to use a variety of media, such as video, podcasts, text and images. This means students can create an electronic portfolio. There is a public side to the site, and a private side. Each individual family, can decide whether it is suitable for their child to publish their article for members only, or for general viewing. We scheduled the IEMs (parent, teacher, child meetings) on the site, and used electronic permission forms for outings. It is a wonderful way to keep communication, and community, informed and in the loop. Students have 24/7 access to their learning, so if they have a great idea over the weekend, they can login and work on it.We incorporate Google Apps for forms, calendars, data storage and emails. We also use Analytics for client websites that our 10 - 12 year old students make.Not only does this work in creating ePortfolios but it also enables us to build and maintain our ex-student and parent networks.We've also created a private testing network, using our student movement (The Re9sistance Des Jeunes ), to study the effectiveness a social networking platform as a communication hub between schools testing software, and the developers.If you would like to learn more about the ways we use technology at Discovery 1 and Unlimited, please don't hesitate to contact me for further information.Thanks.Best regards,Renea Mackierenea[at]

guest, Sep 26, 12:39pm
Angela BatesHi KateWas checking on your blog from time to time and woreendd why there were no new postings I hope things are improving but given the recent earthquakes this will now be harder.I hope you keep blogging and praying for you in this time.xx

guest, Sep 28, 10:09am
I will be putting this dazlizng insight to good use in no time.