if you were to buy a late modelimportedl/h drive car ,say a camaro ormustang etc, and the dealer/seller says it will be registered in your name for the l/h permit. do you have to own the car for a certain period of time before you can sell it . like if you got bored with it after 6 months can you sell it to new owner !
Jul 4, 2:51pm
No You have to own them for a specified period. Check by a call to LTSA free call number in the phone book. I think it was a minimum of twelve months, it may have changed
Jul 4, 3:18pm
i would do good research first , i have never imported my lefthand drive from europe as i found it way to much of a hassle to be bothers with. loads to consider emission law frontal impact standards etc
Jul 4, 3:20pm
you have to prrof previous ownership and then 5 year you have to keep it once you managed to register it on nz roads that used to be how it once was . 10 year ago if it changed i dont know
Jul 5, 12:19am
there arew new rules for LHD,if less than 20 years old you have to apply for a permit to NZTA before you import it. and the rules you have to follow to get the permit are very difficult cutting your own leg off with a pair of blunt scissors would be less painfull. check NZTA web site about importing LHD vehicles.
Jul 5, 12:57am
i have quiclkly read the nzta site about it but my head exploded halfway thru. i was thinking of buying a late model usa l/h drive here in nz. but if it gets registered inmy name i think i need to keep it for 3/4 years. i think ill be sick of it before then
Jul 5, 1:51am
Check out these people. They know what they are doing.
thanks for that link mr carstauranga001 .i got info i needed now. A Category A left-hand drive vehicle cannot be sold or leased within four years of its registration in New Zealand. A Category A left-hand drive vehicle cannot be used for hire or reward or in a transport service.
Sep 1, 10:55pm
But they can be lent, used as security etc which are all ways around the not sold or leased requirement.
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