Know of a good mechanic in Birkenhead

gremms12, Jul 3, 5:08am
Anyone know of a good honest mechanic in Birkenhead!

gremms12, Jul 3, 5:16am
At the PB! Thanks, Jul 3, 5:18am
bp hehehe, Jul 3, 5:19am
yes they have a workshop underneath

gremms12, Jul 3, 5:20am
Thanks so much will check them out :-)

drog, Jul 3, 3:43pm
Bee pee.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 4, 12:11am
BP. rivaled only by KFC for the total number of birds dunked in oil.

bigracket, Jul 4, 2:12am
Snap SR

bigracket, Jul 4, 8:15am
Sorry for being a bad boy Trade me. I forgive you though! LOL

bigracket, Jul 4, 8:17am
But oi Trade me you cant take my post out and leave similar "offenders" quotes on the same thread, that would be a double standard. Trade me would not accept a double standard surly!

bigracket, Jul 4, 8:20am
Right where are you Jonny underscore !( just kidding keep your knickers on)!

twink19, Jul 4, 2:08pm
we all know of goog mechanics buy we are not allowed to tell any one on this message board

sr2, Jul 4, 4:08pm
Looks like someone's going through this MB likedose of Epsom Salts!

vivac, Jul 4, 4:32pm
The way this message board is moderated is retarded.
Someone asks about where to find a mechanic, they get answers but the answers get deleted because they are advertising.
Tardme strikes again with maximum stupidity, no surprises there.

Why is it so hard to help someone out!
You would think that the ReTardMe moderators would use a bit of discretion, apparently they dont know what that is.

sr2, Jul 4, 11:29pm
Emailed an enquiry to TM-
???Hi Guys, A little clarification is needed here, I don't want to be breaking the rules but I'm confused! The thread was asking for recommendations for a good car mechanic in the Birkenhead area, was the issue with mentioning the company or the person who runs it! (I'm not in any way involved with Terry Grubner Automotive, I'm just a satisfied customer of theirs).
Many thanks for the free Motoring MB, Simon.???

There Response was-
???Dear Simon,

Thanks for contacting us.

Please ignore the email received.I am not sure why we removed these comments and I apologies that you received this warning.

If you can start a thread saying, hey recommend a mechanic, and nobody is allowed to post their recommendations, then there really is not point in using the boards for advice.I am not sure why this happened, and why the staff member felt it was appropriate to remove.I will be insisting that our message board staff actually have a look around before just removing posts.

Apologies again Simon.Feel free to post recommendations in the future.

If you have further questions regarding this issue please reply and we will answer your email as soon as possible.



Trade Me Support???
Have to say I??

vivac, Jul 5, 12:08am
Im quite surprised by that response too sr2.
Hopefully they can get it together, its not that hard to moderate a forum.

johnf_456, Jul 5, 4:35am
Didn't take them off and nice try but wasn't me.

sr2, Jul 5, 5:43am
Would be great to see it happen.

bigracket, Jul 5, 7:09am
I know Jonny Its all good mate.

snoopy221, Sep 2, 1:46pm
Well done sr2.-