Toyota auto trans fault.

saturn51, Jun 3, 7:07pm
1997 Tercel,1300cc,auto. Intermittent drive fault when motor hot or cold.Motor revs ok,car just sits there and barely moves forward or back.Similar to "limp" mode or a badly slipping clutch on a manual.
Placing car in 1,2,D or R makes no difference and there is no bump/jerk when selecting a gear.Fluid is clean,no nasty smell and full.
Drive down the road,engine revving but slow pick up,and it may suddenly sort itself out or if you leave it and return and it`s perfect for a week or two.Your thoughts would be appreciated.TIA.

modie61, Jun 3, 7:09pm
That cant be true,a Toyota with an auto problem,wait for jazz he will sort it for you.

littlebob7, Jun 3, 7:15pm
check the auto trans oillevelwith the engine running--- I will bet it is low

saturn51, Jun 3, 7:18pm
Level spot on,hot and running.

saturn51, Jun 3, 7:19pm
Will I have to fit a Fiat box to it though!

doriandarby, Jun 3, 7:34pm
No, a VW DSG gearbox.I hear they are reliable.