Power windows not working

sheree7, Jun 3, 9:25pm
It's not the fuse,so how do you check the wires !

andrea_w, Jun 3, 9:43pm
If you need to ask, you need a professional.
There are many different things that could be causing a problem. not always electrical either. It's impossible to even narrow it down to a more likely cause due to a lack of info too

icemans1, Jun 3, 9:51pm
i doubt very much if it's the wires

kazbanz, Jun 3, 10:10pm
sheree--what is the car! are they ALL not working or just one!

bigfatmat1, Jun 3, 10:13pm
as above. checking wires is not easy. You could post back type of car model year ect and we could help you with a diagnossis or common faults on that particular vehicle

sheree7, Jun 4, 12:47am
It's a 94 nissan pulsar X1.None of the windows are working,the door locking switch is [on the same panel on door].Don't have much spare cash at the moment so thought that i would ask if anyone had any ideas.Totally aware that i will probably need a professional to fix #2 but no harm in asking is there!Went to lower the window a week ago,nothing.Next day they worked,but now nothing.

satans_child_nz, Jun 4, 12:53am
window switch buggered, its common

kazbanz, Jun 4, 12:59am
all 4 not working all at once doesn't sould like a switch--I wonder if the main block is plugged in--also how certain are you that the fuze diddn't blow again!>

edangus, Jun 4, 1:03am
If its the main one with all 4 on it.

sheree7, Jun 4, 1:08am
It's only actually 2 windows[hatchback].Is the main block by the fuse box!The fuse works fine,tried it in the ignition which is same fuse and works .

ema1, Jun 4, 3:18am
Check to see if you have pushed the window lock button .by accident.
Other than that you might have either a control relay box fault or contacts in the switches carboned up both of which will require an auto sparky to sort out. Check for possible poor connection between the switch unit to the loom inside the door. Cheers.

sheree7, Jun 4, 3:54am
Thanks for the advice everyone.

ceebee2, Jun 5, 12:06am
Also check to see if the passenger controller works, if so then yes its the master switch, I have repaired some of them by dismantling / cleaning contacts and reassembling. However I have also found some are electronic and do not have mechanical contacts. Beware if pulling apart as they have springs n things that fly away!

johnf_456, Jun 5, 2:24am
Second that about springs, pulled one apart today for the first time in ages. Spring landed across the room into my work mates lunch