What is a good full face helmet

bluebear609, Jul 5, 3:24am
that gives good side views iykwim
dp feels restricted in the ff for side viewing , are there any that are more open and yes know he can turn his head

twink19, Jul 5, 3:32am
I use a Bell helmet

neo_psy, Jul 5, 3:32am
I just got a Shoei Qwest (replacement for the Raid II) - I'm loving the bigger visor hole cf my old HJC

bluebear609, Jul 5, 3:47am
not at all just feels restricted, caustophobic as likes to be able to see sideways - so yes lookign for bigger visor hole ,will check out those above

berg, Jul 5, 3:58am
Big thumbs up to both Shoei and AGV. Both better fitting than my old FFM as well as quieter and more aerodynamic.

klrider, Jul 5, 2:58pm
whichever one fits your head the best and is a reasonable quality.

maximan, Jul 5, 5:54pm
best advice,go to a bike shop and try different helmets on.only the person wearing them will know how good the fit is. most places carry more than one brand

ninja_man, Jul 5, 6:40pm
i have the AGV stealth, great looking helmet, nice airflow for summer

flybye_in_a_rx7, Jul 5, 6:41pm
one with the top vents so you dont fog up as easy.

dingo011, Jul 5, 7:35pm
Nolan Xlite is my pick! was more than I really wanted to pay but as others have said different helmets fit different people. As with most of life it is hard to compromise once you have tried something that really suits you just for a few $$$.

fastelmo, Jul 5, 7:59pm
You could try this UK site, they have tested a lot of helmets, bit like a NCAP for helmets

bubbles52, Jul 6, 1:44am
I use an Arai, they cost a bit more but have a high standard of build quality

berg, Jul 6, 2:03am
Looked at a new Arai at Anza on Sunday. Lovely helmet but $1600, ouch. My next one will be a Shoei XR1100

jono450, Sep 5, 2:16pm
yeh me two so much better than the old bell i had