Service help please

drift975, Jun 13, 2:42am
got a service two weeks ago and cof on a truck no antifreeze got put in it the snow came trucks water was frozen driver didn't know over heated it and has now blown head gasket or cracked block would the mechanic have to fix this at his cost !

sterid01, Jun 13, 2:44am
some mechanics dont put antifreeze in unless its already got antifreeze cause it can cause leaks , and prob your responsibility bummer

zoltec45, Jun 13, 2:48am
I would check the frost plugs first, isnt this what theyre for! to pop out when water freezes and expands!

shane.64, Jun 13, 2:49am
You need to threaten him with some kind of 2 stroke thing

mugenb20b, Jun 13, 4:28am
Did you ask for it to be put in!

safteystv, Jun 13, 4:30am
try to use polite words to the company that serviced truck ask y they didn't put anti freeze in see if it was over site , as for it causeing leaks wtf its better in than notantifreeze/anti corrosion / anti boil. a good driver will be able to smell anti freeze if leaks start and save engines from death.

mugenb20b, Jun 13, 4:31am
Read this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and tell me if you see a problem with this scenario.

unbeatabull, Jun 13, 4:38am
Where did you get it serviced, and was it a "Full Service" or just a Lube Service or Oil Change.

franc123, Jun 13, 4:46am
Driver is a moron "steerer" as opposed to driver and didn't check the oil and water before startup as any commercial vehicle operator with half a brain would do, and should be doing before a days run!

steve98h, Jun 13, 5:06am
it sounds strange but its true. if a vehicle hasnt had antifreeze in it for a while, adding antifreeze can actually cause leaks.
as for whose to blame. it al depends on what kind of service you had.
also surely you would have read your invoice and noticed you were not charged for antifreeze!

a.woodrow, Jun 13, 5:12am
how did you know there was no antifreeze and how did you know it was frozen! Sounds like there's more to the story.

therafter1, Jun 13, 5:27pm
Time to find someone else to service the vehicle, even on our most basic service the coolant level and condition is checked, if the coolant test comes up as suspect it is brought to the owners attention and they are advised that they have no protection and that antifreeze (along with the rest of its properties) is recommended and required.

steve312, Jun 13, 5:46pm
Doesn't take any time to check the antifreeze condition and can often lead to extra work for the workshop.Just a matter of pointing it out to the customer along with the risks of adding it or leaving it out.

Very common for them to start leaking after adding antifreeze to a system that hasn't had any for a while.