90s Escudo 4WD not working,can you please explain.

nutslap, Jun 11, 9:54pm
to me how all the 4WD business works in them.We thought it was the hubs so pulled one off and appears to be working fine.Now the front Passengers CV goes round with the wheel when driving but the drivers side does not go round at all.CVs dont appear to be busted so could this be a diff issue or transfer case issue!Not knowing how it all works together doesnt help us trying to figure out which part we need.Thanks
ETA High 2WD and Low box works but the front end is not driving,rear end drives fine

daryl14, Jun 11, 10:40pm
Without googling the escudo hubs which I'm sure you can do, If you're confident the front shaft/diff is driving then the hubs are either not engaged or broken. put in 4wd, turn car off and jack up a wheel. if you can spin it, it aint engaged. if turning the wheel also turns the drive shaft then it's the transfer case which ain't engaged. Repeat for other side wheel.

nutslap, Jun 12, 12:58am
Ok got it,thanks.Will try that out tomorrow.So it wont be the diff head at all then!

gmphil, Jun 12, 1:43am
has it got a lsd diff in front ! if not u only got a 3wd .
really dont no how they got away with calling them 4wds

mugenb20b, Jun 12, 1:45am
You mean.2WD!

skin1235, Jun 12, 1:51am
old argument with no merit, could just as easily argue that on a single diff (2WD) you actually only have 1 wheel driving, or counter his argument with' while all 4 wheels have traction there is in effect 4 wheels driving therefore 4wd
usually brought up by wally's that think if it has't got at least 5 ltrs it is really only a pedal car