Just wondering if anyone else bought the Spreets voucher for cambelt replacement.We did, got it done in March and then after seeing the Fairgo program the other night, took our car to mechanic to get checked.The company DTN in Glenfield never replaced the cambelt, could of stuffed our car.Now Spreets wont refund our $249 voucher so will have to pay another mechanic to do the job.Watch out for these scams!
Jul 12, 6:29pm
I wouldnt let it go chase it as far as possble . $249 is a hell of alot of money
Jul 12, 6:52pm
Would be hard to prove after 3 months use
Jul 13, 12:22am
Dont agree.Maybe the covers have never been off, no rattlegun marks on the crank bolt and so on.Markings totally worn off belt and so on.
Jul 13, 12:30am
Can't do much work on a modern car for$249.
Jul 13, 12:38am
Rekon that b cost of parts ,tensioner,swater pump (assuming) beltnot much left for labour
Jul 13, 12:38am
While I have some sympathy for the OP, what do people really expect from these deals! If a service is being supplied at 50- 75% below the normal cost, then the quality of the service will be compromised. Do they think the service provider will do an acceptablejob with quality parts and subsidise the cost of parts plus providing the labour for free! You get what you pay for people, or maybe in this case you dont get anything at all.
Jul 13, 12:39am
Would not even buy acceptable quailty parts for half the vehicles out there these days.
Jul 13, 12:46am
that price was CAMBELT replacement -$60 belt no other parts
Jul 13, 1:12am
Bingo - it's all there.
"New cambelt, fitted for $x"
Nothing else mentioned, nothing else replaced.
Jul 13, 1:26am
ah its NOTHING replaced from the way I read it
Jul 13, 1:33am
Oh yes, quite right. My bad.
Jul 13, 1:39am
So; out of interest; what did they do dan!
Jul 13, 1:48am
When a cambelt job is done, you also replace the idlers, cambelt(s), seals and tensioner pulleys as matter of course. Theyve all been in there for 100,000kms. You can and should replace the waterpump as in most modern cars its in behind the cambelt. Also the antifreeze and pressure test the cooling system. This is standard practice. This is why it costs. The costs vary between models and brands. So get a quote first to see what it covers.
Jul 13, 5:15am
They did nothing - said they replaced the cambelt - gave us a inspection form stating cambelt and tensioners idler changed.Then when we got it checked after seeing the company mentioned on Fairgo, the mechanic we took it to said it had not been changed.Also we trust the mechanic we took it to to be checked (a friend of a friend).
look at (Join the discussions section), lets just say i know harry very very well
Jul 13, 5:39am
Holy scam batman - better call a lawyah
Suckers, ha ha - I love the way this country is going, it makes my life 100% easier
Jul 13, 5:24pm
Lets summerise.You had a voucher for $249 to replace cambelt!Thats fine as thats the deal offered by that company/mechanic or whatever. You took car there to have it done with voucher! thats also fair as thats what you do. Later you here of a scam maybe so go to another mechanic only to find no such work was done! Again fair enough who wouldnt. You also have a form from mechanics who suposedly done the cambelt and idlers tensioners. Again all good as this is your proof they did it. Seems pretty simple really, you got them buy the balls if indeed you can prove NO work or PARTS were replaced. Yes charming isnt it, you think somethings done and it isnt. And yes if you could prove after your motor had exploded due to nothing being being done you have them as well. They entered a contract to do and didnt. Go to a good lawyer and see it through.
Jul 13, 6:12pm
yes, i would expect to get a proper job done even if it was discounted. I have one of those vouchers where you get a whole lot of discounts, and they wouldn't be making any money off it. i paid $80 for a full extensive service, computerized wheel alignment and WOF. a lot of companies do these sorts of deals hoping that you'll come back for other things that they do make money off, so they lost out on the first deal i got with them but i have recently gone back and got some other work done on my car which they would have made money on. just because the price you pay is discounted doesnt mean the job should be done to a lower standard. maybe if they charged $250 full price (not discounted price) then you could expect to get a low quality job. good luck OP and i hope you chase this up and can prove it
Jul 13, 10:44pm
If you want to persue irt you will need a sworn affidavid from your repairer thatthejob hadnt beendone as per voucher (if he is prepared to do that ).Then take it to disputes tribunalas expert evidence .Lesson learnt , no free lunch ,
Jul 14, 4:48am
I watch a tech at a national tyre firm do a wheel alignment once. 1. Put car up on the hoist/alignment machine. 2. Tech wanders out back of work bay. 3. Returns 10 mins later 4. Removes car from machine 5. Goes to office takes customers money returns keys.
Good value for money!
Jul 14, 6:47pm
Lol, good luck with that, I bet you get judgment and then a whole heap of trouble enforcing it. However, this is the person to chase??
Jul 14, 7:10pm
I saw nearly the same thing . I had just purchased 5 new tires for the Lux . and this is before they attempted to diddle me out of my old tires (which I later disposed of on TM for reasonable coin) As part of the tire purchase they said a wheel alignment was thrown in for free. When the wheels were done I saw them wheel the truck into their wheel alignment bay. I left the lounge and went and stood to the side just outta sight to see what they did. They got those laser pointer pad thingies out (I am not techco on this stuff) them climbed in the vehicle removed my steering wheel then refitted it. The truck came down of the hoist and I left to go back to the lounge. I didn't see the guy go and have a look at the TV screen thing or anything. I don't know . is that a wheel alignment for a solid axle lux! Anyway, I asked at the counter as I was paying . was my wheel alignment alright! And the guy there said that (and he hadn't even been anywhere near the wheel alignment bay, lol!) I was lucky to get it done because in the condition it was in - it would have worn out my new tires. I've got sons older than the 'wheel alignment' technician and the crew working in the tire changing department would have averaged oh I'd say - 18 yrs of age on average. A big yellow tire shop in Palmerston North - the chain extends throughout the country.
Jul 14, 7:15pm
Haha! Check the name out on facebook. Looks trustworthy, lol!
Jul 14, 7:33pm
Maybe its timetarget did a run on car repairsagain , should be a hoot,Theyjust keep floggingsparkiesplumbers & glaziers to death . Guess they only want to catchthe pantysniffers, not the petrol snifers .
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