Anything thats designed to go over 30kph i.e. fast tractors, quads, or your old 4x4 needs to have a Wof, however you don't need the wof to be able to get you rego like you do with normal registration. Also RUC's still apply.
Jul 9, 3:36am
okay, thats the first time I've heard of the speed aspect aj, I've searched all over the nzta site and can't find a damn thing re wof or not on exempt A or B do you have any official notification or where do you draw the above info from
rucs do not apply in the case of exempt B class
Jul 9, 3:42am
exempt A class changed recently, that has always had wof and rucs required, the changes were designed to cut the 'cheating' and now tightens the types of vehicles that can carry class A
class B used to be no wof, no rucs, used on farm and to and from parts of farm, this also allows you to travel to the runoff or the second farm ( within the limits of 21km) have been told it has now changed, yet nzta do not gazette any changes
Jul 9, 3:50am
Yeah it seems like no-one really knows for sure ay. The class B (without WOF) is resticted to the 30 kph, I know some people with really fast tractors (up to 60kph!) that have had to have a WOF.
Jul 9, 3:56am
the thought of a 60 km tractor ( yep got one that does a good 52km/hr) having to have a wof sends shudders up the spine although this one can do 52 on the road, even with 8tonne of baler etc behind it, it is never pushed to do it, and when you have had to try t stop it quickly a few times you realise it is much better to travel at 30ishkm there are very few tractors capable of stopping on asphalt from speed, something to do with the tyres maybe! lol, later models that engage 4wd electronically as you get both brake pedals off the rests are a improvement, but even they can go sideways real quick
"have to have a wof' ! they wouldn't be carrying an exempt B< I think the speed thing is exempt A
Jul 9, 4:02am
When I bought my XA. It had an exempt B rego I didnt even know till I went to rego it again.
Jul 9, 4:04am
$57 per ann
no wof no ACC no other bul***t
just the label, the office fee, (and the EQ levy!)
and not continuous, can be unreg'd for 12 months then drop another $57 for the next year
Jul 9, 4:06am
$57 per ann
no wor no ACC no other bul***t
Gor Blimey. LMFAO. Sweet trip bra A qualified-she can drive 2 at once.
[Still L M F A O]
Jul 9, 4:08am
know a few heavy trucks registered as self propelled agriculteral vehicles, they only needroad users no cof
Jul 9, 4:16am
long trip bro, I'm too old for them now, would have parked up at a motel in levin
on the way down, lol
Jul 9, 1:16pm
One of my workmates has a diesel ute with B class rego which is for farm use. Not supposed to be driven more than 30km from the farm (although its his only vehicle and goes everywhere) and he lives in the city, not on a farm. Has been rego'd as B class for years now.
Jul 9, 1:58pm
My new Deutz does 53kph (is this a pissing contest!), and as you mentioned it automaticly selcts 4wd when you hit the brakes. Apparentlyt though, they have athought about it and the brakes do quite a good job of self equalising now, so they pull up pretty straight. I drove through the middle of timaru and back yesterday to collect a big silage wagon that had had some fairly major repairs, (now thats a whole different story), and I was impressed with its stopping power behind shopping baskets at the lights.
hello my son, lol, fancy meeting you here wish I'd seen that link yesterday, we could have had quite a discussion about it today, lol, or maybe it was luck that I didn't EB, B class exempt, requires no wof unless towing speed is above 50kph, table, page 42(44 of 60),
thanks to the other guys that also answered with help or comments
ahhh, I see you posted just after 7am today, I was still snoring, and then had to get up and get ready to go to work
Jul 10, 10:43pm
Bonus if you run exempt class b (EB)
Under the motor registration system, all motor vehicles must be registered and licensed for road use except for the following: ??? Any trailer designed exclusively for agricultural operations and used on a road only when proceeding to or from a farm or when being inspected, serviced, or repaired. ??? Any trailer that is attached to or being drawn by an exempt class EB vehicle.
I didn't realise about the trailer.
Jul 11, 12:05am
so I was actually okay hauling the tandem the other day, lol
hows the holiday modus working out
Jul 11, 6:14am
Regardless of its rego ststus or speed on the road the vehcle by law has to be up to WOF standard
Jul 12, 1:53am
wof is not required to register but is required if it can go faster the 40kph also the radius you can travel is not far from a farm its 21km only if you own another farm on the other side of the 21km full details and ever changing rules are on the net to be found.
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