After finding bits of blue polyurethane on drive-

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xpfairmont, Jul 4, 9:20pm
way. I've now replaced with original rubber bushes.
After all, the original ones lasted over 30 years.
Installed Super Pro in 2004. I expected a bit longer out of them.
These were the caster bar bushes.
Car feels so much smoother!

unclejake, Jul 4, 9:28pm
Everyone learns this lesson eventually. If the polly bushes have lasted since 2004 you are either very lucky or don't drive it much.

They need constant re-lubrication to make them viable

bellky, Jul 4, 9:39pm
I had heard better about SuperPro but og rubber is always best.

xpfairmont, Jul 4, 9:55pm
done over 40,000 miles since 2004. so I guess I done okay. But they where not even the right shape to fit properly in the first place and the crush tubes were not as neat of a fit over the threaded rod than the original ones.

Rubber ones where only $29 which is about 1/4 the price as the Nolathane and about 1/2 the price of the super pro.

bellky, Jul 4, 9:57pm
No brainer on that basis.

xpfairmont, Jul 4, 10:00pm
yeah. the thing is most places told me that you can't get them in rubber any more, just because THEY don't stock them. You can guess where told me that.

bellky, Jul 4, 10:12pm
I had an XP wagon once, with no heater, boy was it cold.

skyblue17, Jul 4, 10:14pm
That 'place that cant be named' tried to sell me braided front brake lines for my VR Commy. I told them rubber had done OK so far. Mind you on long runs I can see the point of braided.

xpfairmont, Jul 4, 10:15pm
haha, same in my Fairmont when living in Queenstown. COLD! Got a fully recond' one now. Almost burns my feet!

xpfairmont, Jul 4, 10:16pm
are they even legal for road use!

bellky, Jul 4, 10:18pm
Actually that's what I was thinking.

unclejake, Jul 4, 10:21pm
That is a fantastic result for polly. Well done

clark20, Jul 5, 3:58am

richardmayes, Jul 5, 4:02am
yes they are.

scuba, Jul 5, 5:01am
most poly bush fitments are overtightened or tightened when suspension is hanging -i would say that's why the guy got 5000 ks out of his strut bushes.
use to see it all the time especially strut and sway bar links

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 5, 5:13am
I had the exact same problem with my XF Ghia in '05.

scuba, Jul 5, 5:24am
your not one to take it lightly-what did the retailer say!

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 5, 8:34am
I didn't bother with the retailer. The first set were replaced under 'warranty' and that was the second set. So then I took it straight to 'Red Ranger' head office with a filthy email along the lines of "piece of junk. enjoy my money, it's the last you'll ever be getting from me" and got a prompt reply apology, acknowledgement of a known problem, a phone call from the local Rep (Dave) supplied with a modified replacement set and they paid for the wheel alignment.

pup2, Jul 5, 1:54pm
Good result

xpfairmont, Jul 5, 4:03pm
Always tighten mine while sitting on all four. I had more grease on mine.
they have crush tubes and specific toque sitting so can't really be over tighten!
Just a bad product.

sifty, Jul 5, 6:23pm
I was going to splash out on a full set of nolathanes for the XY. Still on original rubber but looking a bit tired.

Am I better off putting a set of replacement rubbers in then.!

xpfairmont, Jul 5, 7:45pm
Yes, a lot cheaper too

xpfairmont, Jul 5, 7:59pm
Man, some of those guys don't have a bloody clue what they're doing/talking about by having a we read of it.

unclejake, Jul 5, 9:01pm
IMHO, aftermarket polly bushes are a bit like running your race motor with no air filter; the car will perform better for a short while but due to wear it will quickly end up much worse than it was when you started.

Perhaps there is a polly option that lasts now, butI gave up on them for steering joints a while back. I still use polly for leaf spring eye bushes though, as those ones seem to last OK.

Just MTCW. Others will have had more experience but you really need to hear from the guys who have kept the car for more than a year or sop afterwards

sifty, Jul 6, 1:48am
cheers for the info. guess I just assumed a new product would be better.