hi there, does anyone know someone in christchurch or north canty who can do this with reasonable rates!thnx :)
Jun 27, 7:47am
There is a reason every 15 yr old subaru needs a cambelt now or is overdue. $100scambelt only , you would be a fool to not replace idlers, tentioners etc. My best bet is that it will cost what the car is worth. .The next guy up willhave a better idea than me but he is a real mechanic with a job and is asleep right now. Listen to them when they tell you to drive it into the ground as far as the motor goes and buy a 7 year old boring Toyota or Nissan that doesn"t go Doof Doof.
Jun 27, 7:48am
Neil Stuart Automotive. Knows his Subarus.
Jun 27, 7:49am
Jun 27, 8:10am
WTF!. I am an ex mechanic with advanced trade cert ,before changing to a more interesting vocation.The O.P is asking about a 15 yr old high maintenancevehicle. I am giving themmy advice. By all means give them yours as well. The more informed people that put a price on the job the better. O.P. asked for a price for the job. Did you give them one! What is the job worth to do properly! What is a 15 year old Sub RS worth!Good money after bad may not be clever. Give the O.P. a price and some options. Please O.P. Tell us what the cambelt, tensioners, idlers and seals costs and what you decide to do. Keep all options open and best of luck.
Jun 27, 8:19am
I would need to know - 1. Individual cost to purcase a cambelt, waterpump, tensioners, idlers and seals and the best place to purchase these parts. 2.Typical approximate costing for a mechanic to do the replacement. Thanks very much for your help : )
Jun 27, 8:20am
Neil Stuart Automotive! Have you had dealings with him or know people that have, or heard other customer feedback on them!Cheers for your help :)
Jun 27, 8:21am
#1 - Nobody asked for a price in the original post. #2 - $100s isn't an actual price. #3 - You been drinking! Because you are ranting about stuff for no reason.ie; nobody asked. #4 - 'There is a reason every 15 yr old subaru needs a cambelt now or is overdue.' Is a rather stupid statement. What is the reason! I cant wait for the answer.
Jun 27, 8:41am
Very well known and respected member of these message boards. Has owned a few Subarus in his time and have only heard good things about his work.
Jun 27, 8:46am
Its honestly quicker and easier for you to phone around etc to get prices as it will vary a fair bit between OEM parts, Repco, STA Parts, TM etc etc. Similar for labour, it will depend on the mechanic and how familiar they are with your vehicle, then of course their hourly rate. Do be careful sourcing your own parts though, as if you get an item wrong.its your fault, not the garage/mechanics, which can cause delays and increase costs.
Jun 27, 9:33am
ason, I didn't see my message as a rant, You did. I was trying to get the O.P to think about the "bigger picture". If you pulled everyone on this messageboard up for that your fingers would be raw. You are right, $100s is not a price, I told the O.P to listen to other informed people (You!) before commiting to what would probably be over $1000 of maintenance. O.P asked for advice on who would do a job for a reasonable rate. I would have thought that any competent mechanic would do the job in about the same time so hourly rate would then be more important than marque . Neil Stuart Automotive is by all accounts competent. The reason most 15 year old RSSubaru"s are due or overdue for cambelts etc is because they are more expensive (complex) than the generic 2 litre jap car to do the same job on and often have had maintenance defered by owners not able to afford fuel etc ,and repairs. In all fairness most 15 year old cars I have worked on have defered maintenance.Most owners of 15 year old cars are not pro-active with spending dosh which is why I told O.P. to consider updating rather than tipping $100s ($1000s) on a 15 year old car. I have not had a drink for weeks as I am "captive" at work at the moment with regular drug and alcohol screening. (I am am a drunk when I am at home in N.Zed) All the best to you and yours. Vaughan.
Jun 27, 9:34am
Awsome will definately check him out, thanks ; )
Jun 27, 2:59pm
Funny you should ask this question, OP. I've just done a head gasket and seals job on my lad's '95 250T. new belt, idlers, water pump, seals etc. All genuine Subaru parts, with exception of head gaskets (also had to change hubs and driveshafts, but that's a different story) and cost of all parts was $1000 for front of engine parts. Hubs and driveshafts $185 per side (2nd hand). Add on service items and new coolant and parts alone come to about $1200. My time was free and I enjoyed doing the job, but I know a reasonable mechanic would have charged about $1750 for the job. The car is only worth what I spent, but the owner is OCD and doesn't want to change it. Depends how much you like the car whether you spend the coin.
Jun 27, 5:57pm
.*has a coronary*.
Jun 27, 5:59pm
Err so Clanky what u up to this weekend! lolWhere did u go for your parts!
Jun 27, 6:22pm
Ok got hold of NeilStuart Automotive and have been quoted $700-$1000 including parts.seems pretty good considering what you paid Clanky, unless someone knows of anyone that can do a better price!
Jun 27, 6:27pm
Easy did you wake up on the wrong side.
Jun 28, 5:36am
i asked a guy how much for a head gasket on a 97 gtb legacy they said 1000 yet the parts alone was only 79 shop around find the best deal even beter do it yaselfget to know ya car :D i did and now owned a 3 and wrecked 5
Jun 28, 3:11pm
You've wrecked 5 out of the three cars you've owned since you decided to do your own Maintenance!
Jun 28, 3:24pm
Which part was $79! The head set alone would have been more than that. Add in many hours of labour, machining, oil, filter, antifreeze etc I would have a grand was bloody cheap for head gaskets on a subaru. Plus cambelt and hand grenade at a minimum.
Jun 28, 4:31pm
Cambelt, idlers, seals, water pump and stat from Subaru in Tauranga, head gasket et from trader on here. Ripco wanted $740 for head gasket set and SCA weren't much cheaper. Car is good as gold now. Hubs and shafts renewed cos the instructions in the Haynes' manual were helpful to a point - like when the puller I was using disintergrated all over the garage. I enjoyed the challenge and no, I don't do it over the weekend, unless you are intent on becoming terminally poor.
Jun 29, 1:31am
Thanks Jason! What a plug 8)
Jun 29, 2:00am
This plug you speak of .What do you and Jason do with it.Cancle that i dont want to know
Jun 29, 2:04am
Dearest David, I seem to have lost your email addy - I can send you a video of a very interesting 'plug' & a bicycle at some stage And, yes I still havent taken my Zephyr to Granity or come up to push over your poor old Ducati's. My brother now has a lovely classic old 750SS he is killing all over Central Otago which makes me angry, the Monster's are getting cheaper however
Jun 29, 2:12am
Heh - anyone ring a dealer to ask about a 100,000km service on a Legacy - $1800 + GST.
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