Stereo wiring ?

comadi, Jun 29, 12:25am
Hi all, is it possible to wire your car stereo up safely so that you can play it without the keys in the ignition !

thunderbolt, Jun 29, 12:30am
yes, run it from a power source that is always on.
Use a fuse, just like you would for acc or ign power.

You will regret it the first time you leave it on and end up with a flat battery though.

bitsy_boffin, Jun 29, 12:33am
Yes, just wire the primary 12v line direct to the battery (with a fuse recommended!)

There are quite possibly 12v lines going into your stereo anyway, one is run off the Accessory circuit (key Acc position) and one is always live (to keep the memory, clock, whatever running), so you can potentially just hook that existing always live 12v to your primary 12v input on the head unit.

Of course, you're going to flatten the battery if you leave it on (or wire in series with a low battery cut-off).

jasongroves, Jun 29, 12:41am
As above, use a switch though.
But also as above.these first time you flatten your battery you will curse the whole idea:)
Curiosity.why do you wish to do this!

comadi, Jun 29, 1:13am
So I hook the radio Red ( Acc) to the car yellow (battery 12 volt ) with a fuse inline !
Do I just tape off the Radio yellow and car red !
I want to do this so I can play the radio with my drivers door open.
It's either that or find the door chime wire and snip it.
I don't think I'll leave the radio on, because if I drive in the garage the automatic aerial up, it just nicks the shed door as a reminder :-)

bitsy_boffin, Jun 29, 6:43am
Yes, but you may need to connect both the radio's 12v lines (red & yellow going by your description) to the battery 12v (yellow by your description) of your car.

Tape off the ACC from the car (red) if you are not using it so it can't short to anything.

n1smo_gtir, Jun 29, 7:01am
i do this and got habbit of turning stereo off using the power off button on theheadunit or remote. if you do run amp as well, def good idea to drill this procedure into your brain cos the amp will suck up your battery like a thirsty vampire.

lyonruge, Jun 29, 7:07pm
Pull the stereo out and scotch lock the red and yellow wires together. simple, and easy to pull off once you realise it was stink idea!

daryl14, Jun 29, 7:38pm
My, Ahem, Euro doesn't have an acc feed so stereo stays on. very easy to rememberto push off button when key goes off and stereo still going.
I'm more likely to forget I've left on the interior light or haven't locked the doors.

comadi, Jun 29, 11:30pm
Sweet :-D

guest, Sep 25, 2:15pm
Hi aangirfanI hope you're well.There was a very intreesting comment posted on your blog a while back which purported to be from a former member of the security services.The comment alleged to detail the telephone conversations of Jimmy Savile following Gary Glitter's exposure.If you can find that comment I believe that it will be of interest to you following the Dispatches program on Channel 4 tonight.Kind Regards, (and keep up the good work)gojam

guest, Sep 26, 12:29pm
Amazing article. I rlealy hope the tv programme tonight mentions the names per the links given in your article, that would be fantastic.People I talk to about these names appear to have heard them already, I doubt very much they would have read your blog so the word does appear to be spreading. The bit I'd like to know is just who are the master puppeteers protecting them.

guest, Sep 28, 9:59am
Lovely rabbit!! I too used to wedonr how people could create something just by folding a piece of paper. As I have practiced it, I find that origami is a bit like music or like painting. We learn the basics notes or color combinations, and little by little we start to add "vocabulary" until one day we are able to do something on our own.