WANTED 1997 Mitsi Legnum tiptronic gearbox

isparkle, Jun 28, 10:12pm
hi there, we are looking for a tiptronic gearbox to fit a 1997 Mitsubishi Legnum 25ST 4WD V6.

Anyone know of one!or where to get one!

luke041, Jun 28, 10:22pm
You will need the trans number stamped into the top of the box will be something like V5A51ED4C needs to be the same you it wont work different ratio etc

isparkle, Jun 28, 10:24pm
oh sweet, i wondered that.thanks :)have contacted a few wreckers here in nelson etc, nobody has one :(

mugenb20b, Jun 28, 10:25pm
What's wrong with your one!

isparkle, Jun 28, 10:30pm
only sometimes changes gears, reverse doesnt work. if i change the gears thru manually, it works most of the time, but the auto doesnt.hubby is a mechanic, so hes sussed it out, just need a new box now.which is hard to find!

luke041, Jun 28, 10:33pm
Ring your mitsi dealer with the numbers they have a 2nd hand department
(nationwide) and prices are good. They have everything.

yogibearz, Jun 29, 2:38am
I would second that ,You would be suprised at what they have and can get.

dent, Jun 29, 5:07am
Has your hubby got access to e-spares. A website that you can put request for second hand parts across a lot of dismantlers in nz!

isparkle, Jun 29, 6:50am
hmm not sure, i will ask him