Idiots driving with no lights on

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hfc2, Jun 19, 2:20am
I cant believe the number of idiots driving grey coloured cars on foggy days in late afternoon with no lights on, also down south we have had severe frosts with light rain on top causing black ice and some people just dont drive to the conditions, i mean you can be the worlds safest driver but still be involved in a serious accident by some fool coming the other way.

bashfulbro, Jun 19, 2:26am
Stay on your own side of the centre line, end of problem.
There are several reasons why headlights should only be used for night driving.
One comes to mind, Oversized loads , if every vehicle has headlights on during daylight hours, then it diminishes the effect of the their use on wide loads.
Funerals is another.

hfc2, Jun 19, 2:30am
no, if you are over taking in gloomy conditions there is an issue, i, m not talking about lights on in full sunshine, but on foggy gloomy dark and stormy days, basically bad winter conditions.

fordcrzy, Jun 19, 2:34am
everybody knows that if you can see the road 20meters in front of you , then everybody else on the road can see you from 600m away!

murray55, Jun 19, 2:35am
couldn't agree more .just another example of the abysmal driving here in NZ.

hfc2, Jun 19, 2:39am
ok but it is the same people who dont have their lights on in dangerous conditions who will overtake and slam into you.

hfc2, Jun 19, 2:44am
Also dont we all want to come home safe! what is hard about turning your lights on in dodgy conditions, especially in winter dont understand your comments, its in your own best interests.

eddiedean, Jun 19, 2:46am
What about the people who happily drive around all night with their high beams on! Blinding everyone on the other side of the road

hfc2, Jun 19, 2:50am
yep , just as bad.

gunhand, Jun 19, 2:51am
100% agree with you there. Its always good to be able to see whats coming toward you even if you are suposedly safe on your side of the road. Do you know how many cars seem to painted in "GLOOM"They seem to blend into the mist and drearyness very well.
And the opposite is on super hot days some cars can vanish in the heat haze as well. The ones with lights on do stick out.
Whats wrong with a bit of safety. Anything that makes one more visable sounds good to me.

hfc2, Jun 19, 2:57am
obviously you no nothing about driving in fog, you are more than likely who i am talking about.

unbeatabull, Jun 19, 2:57am
Have to agree. Even on raining days and in the snow down here couple of weeks back people didn't have there headlights on . idiots.

I remember last time I went to Aus with a temp driving license and they recommended to me to leave my headlights on all the time. Couldn't really see a reason at the time cause Aus is always sunny but makes sense now.

aj254, Jun 19, 2:58am
Well said.

fordcrzy, Jun 19, 3:03am
geez. i thought i couldnt have been more tongue in cheek if i tried.obviously not. OBVIOUSLY i was being sarcastic

aj254, Jun 19, 3:04am
Dangerous to do, some people might take you seriously.

hfc2, Jun 19, 3:08am
yeah sorry but there are fools out there, cheers.

stevo2, Jun 19, 3:14am
Yep, see it on my way home every night. Most cars have their lights on but the odd one in the line doesnt. Motorists stopped at intersections see a stream of lights then a break in the traffic, oops wasnt a break in the traffic after all.

fordcrzy, Jun 19, 3:16am
no it was a gunmetal grey primera

i-n-horz, Jun 19, 4:10am
A situation that will never change sorry to say.just have to drive as defensively as you possibly can.throw yourself on a saddle and the danger factor increases exponentially.

johnf_456, Jun 19, 5:19am
Just be glad they don't have blinding fog lights on and mis aligned lights. Headlights do cause glare issues in some circumstances, its harder to judge how far away a car is that has lights on for example. But yep have them if dark.

murph2068594, Jun 19, 7:43am
Those type of cars are great, the same colour as the road.

You see heaps of vehicles without the lights on, God help anyone who attempts to pass someone coming the other way, towards the split-second time they see them, it's too late.

slarty45, Jun 19, 1:18pm
Why do drivers with lights on flash at drivers with lights off if they can't see them!

Trying to compensate for leaving specs at home!

trogedon, Jun 19, 4:17pm
I had a gunmetal grey car (Mazda) for a while. People used to drive out in front of me far too often. My next car was red and it never happened. I'm never having a grey car again.
Re Flashing lights - it almost never has the effect of getting the unlit car driver to flick their lights on up here.

ianrich, Jun 19, 4:21pm
I still drive a grey toyota and had the same trouble untill I fitted day running lights. People still drive out in front of me but nowhere near as much.

gman35, Jun 19, 4:36pm
Any reason people buy grey cars ! Silver maybe but grey makes no sense surely !