Have someone to put it in for free but there are so many brands to chose from. I have only heard of GMP I think and made in Japan. I was told to avoid made in China but isn't most stuff made there.lol
Will check in after work for your ideas. TIA
Jun 24, 2:20pm
Seams obvious, a Holden one. Or am i missing something
Jun 25, 12:06am
Which they charge $240 + gst for. No thanks lol
Jun 25, 12:14am
You have someone to put it in for free yet you still want to skimp!
I don't help tightwads.
Jun 25, 12:17am
So you want quality and cheapas you have stated in your posts LOL
Jun 25, 12:18am
There are other decent brands out there other than the one Ebbetts is trying to sell me that are cheaper.
Jun 25, 12:20am
grumpy much! you need to get laid perhaps.might give you a better attitude
Jun 25, 12:38am
As long as yours is a 3.8 Ecotec not a 3.6 Alloytec.
Jun 25, 12:40am
VZ has the 3.6 V6, not the same pump as the earlier models
Jun 25, 12:41am
I have asked the guy selling the other ones if he can source a VZ one.
Jun 25, 12:47am
Hang on , take it easy on him, unless you KNOW what some others do actually cost and what their quality is like surely ! He may be a mechanic who knows what one is WORTH and just gets sick of the usual enquiry of"I want it going brilliant without spending any $$" 100 times a day like most NZ motorists .
Jun 25, 12:50am
So it OK for Mr Grumpy to have a go at others but not for others to call him on it!
I am not looking for cheap and nasty. I was after brands of water pumps. So I would have some ideas when I rang around places for prices.
Jun 25, 12:51am
So why bother asking then! If all your concerned with is price buy a Cherry or Geely
Jun 25, 12:52am
Because it is a free world and I will ask what I please.
Jun 25, 12:55am
BTW GMB have a plant in Thailand now, in fact I am not sure if they still make ANY in Japan anymore.If it says "Made in Japan" on the box it is a Japanese one, if it says "Distributed by GMB Japan" it is a Thailand made one.
Jun 25, 1:27am
Didn't the OEM water pump have a plastic impeller! Avoid.
Jun 25, 3:26am
GMB are one of the most common pumps on the market. We fit heaps of them and have little troubles.
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