Any one got a Craig Davies type water pump (115L/M) lying around that they want to get rid of and list! I dont want to pay the huge dollars they ask for them on Trade Me for new and dont realy want to order direct from the States in order to keep the support local. i want to help the main pump as I am moving my radiator to the back on my 350 Chevy Cruiser club truck.
May 13, 4:05pm
ummmmmm 115 liter per minute lol you sure you got your facts right . i highly doubt . also there is usually a good reason as to why a radiator is up front and never in the back.
May 13, 4:13pm
Radiator in the back!
May 13, 4:18pm
Hahah sorry guys, its a mud thing.facts are spot on.Bush trucks and comp truck mostly have the rads at the back to avoid damage to them in the front and getting blocked with mud from other trucks spining in front.Its been like this since Moses was a baby. Its so common to mount it at the back behind the seats/ on the rear roll bar where ever then connect a themo switch and electric fan thereby needing an additional electric pump to help the water flow of the longer distance and also hook a turbo timiner in line to let the water circulate for a few minutes after the enigne is off to elliminate heat soak and lower the temp for the next start up. 80/115 l/m is fine for this application.
May 13, 4:21pm
ok so it be spinning at 8000+ rpm thenand no thetrmostat. i guessor you wont move that amount of water .
May 13, 5:07pm
I've been down the electric waterpump road before with a Holbay Cosworth motor, the pump you need is an impeller type, high volume / low pressure. The only solution is to bite the bullet and buy a purpose built Craig Davies; there's nothing else out there I could find that would do the job.
May 13, 7:44pm
Yer can get some big capacity bilge pumps here on TM.
May 13, 8:17pm
Why change!, the standard pump should do the job. Mid engine race cars do not need extra,or bigger pumps, and the water is moving from back to front whereas you are moving it from front to back. I do not see a problem.
May 13, 8:24pm
i recently got a flyer from BNT which had electric water pumps for sale,not a bad price as i remember,they might be shite,but maybe worth a look
May 13, 8:33pm
make one. use the motor from a 12v electric radiator fan, bolted to a dishwasing machine pump, thats what i have.
May 13, 10:31pm
Nor does the pump in just about ALL cars. Your point is!
May 13, 10:46pm
I think his (!) point is, he obviously has a good understanding of the application and what is required, and asked a pretty simple question yet instead of answering everyone wants to talk him out of it.
Or his point is something else and that's just my point ;)
May 13, 11:25pm
The pumps are Davies Craig rather than Craig Davies BTW.
They are pretty good and saved me a few overheating episodes when stuck on the start/finish line under red-flag in the blazing sun
May 13, 11:28pm
Pressure and velocity drop over distance. google it.
May 13, 11:30pm
Sorry to say it does not work like this.
May 13, 11:35pm
The standard pump will do the job, dont go too big in fact go smaller diameter hosing.
May 14, 12:10am
I've run run race cars with remote cooling systems, no additional waterpump and not had cooling issues. However the OP's sport of choice involves a motor having to work very hard in a low speed, stop / start enviroment; in that situation an electric pump would be very usefull.
May 14, 12:14am
my v12 has radiator in rear. Standard pump works well.I have a bypass electric pump set up that has never been used.
May 14, 12:14am
Correct and OP don't feel bad about buying from overseas think of the savings.
May 14, 12:28am
I stand corrected UJ, (dyslexia rules KO!). On the Cosworth I blanked off the mechanical pump and used an electric pump to get the coolant into the motor through the two frost plugs in the side of the engine block.With 32lbs boost running no1 with 20% toluene it was always a mission to keep cool; I ended up using a huge twin pass aluminium radiator that was originally intended to cool a blown big block. The electric pump was also great for managing the heat soak at the end of special stages, especially if the timing crews were running slowly and we had to queue.
May 14, 1:19am
good ol kiwi No 8 wire fix it
May 14, 4:14am
More clutter, dontneedu
May 16, 1:11am
yer think i gonna have to, will lcick the Ebay buy now tonight.cheers.
May 16, 1:13am
Oh how much!
May 16, 1:15am
Haha oops too much Googling, got the names mixed up.Im just to scared to pop the eninge so would rather have too much help with the water flow then too little.
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