i drove up to blenheim from ashburton and got as far as kaikora! i was looking power going up the hills then i noticed alot of white smoke coming from the back! so on a car trailer it went to blenheim and its still in shop guy trying to figure out what wrong! has this happened to any one before and its got alot of oil coming from the exhaust aswell.
Jun 21, 10:16pm
Are you sure that "smoke" wasn't steam! Could be a blown head gasket, blown turbo or even a very blocked PCV system
Jun 21, 11:02pm
not trying to be a smartass, but yes it has, to lots of subaru owners
Jun 21, 11:05pm
Primary turbo is shagged.
Jun 21, 11:18pm
Sounds like a turbo
Jun 21, 11:54pm
turbo seal on the exhaust side, oil into the hot exhaust makes white smoke.
Jun 22, 12:22am
^^^^^^^^ What he said.
Jun 22, 12:59am
Big exhaust! Gauranteed primary turbo failure
Jun 22, 1:26am
Really! Why!
Jun 22, 2:11am
No back pressure - twin turbo's usually fail because of big front pipes, then - they usually do a primary around 150,000Km anyway - its just part of owning a 'performance car'
Jun 22, 2:13am
fraked turbo. Same thing happened to my shitbaru
Jun 22, 2:56am
Does it smell like burning oil! if it has a real "puke" smell it could be a stuffed booster/master cylinder sucking brake fluid into the intake manifold It doesnt take much to make lots of smoke and its definitely white.i thought oil was more blue than white!ive had a couple of cars in and thats been the issue.probably is the turbo tho
Jun 22, 3:01am
oil makes blue smoke when its burned, ie its sucked into the inlet side of the motor and then burns in the cylinders. if its dumped into the exhaust side of the engine,it does not go through the engine, its just hits the hot exhaust and vaporizes, then you have white smoke. it wont do it when the motor is first started, as the exhaust wont have heated up, but after a few min driving.
Jun 22, 7:09am
Damn right, but dumb kiwi doesn't see that, all they see is a cheap way of going fast. Owning these things has been financially ruinous for many, and thats before you fuel and insure the damn thing. That large slot on the bonnet sucks up hundred dollar notes as much as it does intercooler cooling air. I'd agree with the others, primary turbo, get it sorted and then get rid of it.
Jun 22, 9:04am
Had 3 legacies, all died of overheating n blown headgaskets. Never touching a subaru again.
Jun 23, 12:11am
Blown Turbo.easy to check for the garage though.
Jun 23, 3:18pm
have had 2 legacys 1 for 8 years ( 91 gt ) now a b4 for 5years and not once has my cars broken down,dont buy them if you dont get them serviced properly!.
Jun 23, 5:14pm
I don't understand how a turbo can fail if they don' have a bit of back pressure! Makes no scientific sense. Can someone explain this to me please as i do not believe it. I think it is a myth.
May 14, 5:51am
I've own subaru for years and drive a beast commodore on week ends I've also worked on those box motors both twin and single stage turbos they are one of the most powerful and cheap motors to run if you maintain it properly, when I say cheap means oil and regular service stuff just like your corolla or nissan reason why these cars fail often is people like tune them in there carage and add after market stuff not knowing the specs that is required of the motor either they add blow off velve or waste gates or intercooler etc what they don't know by doing that only shorten the life expectancy of the vehicle.
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