Holden fans, load a pic of your current holden.

evopaul, Aug 7, 6:06pm
Jeez hyphen.thats nice !, mines a 1981 VC SL, still orig. paint, trim etc 202 with VH 5 speed. Lowered in front only, i like that stance.First owner had it for 24 years .Cool cars!

jkm, Aug 7, 8:09pm
Looks very original. I think the wheels suit the car. Cheers

clark20, Aug 7, 8:51pm
Thats a beautiful yellow!

paull, Aug 7, 9:07pm
thats a cool van allright,

pollymay, Aug 8, 2:05am

VN, finished my interior for it and other odds n bits like polishing everything bolted to the car and some things that aren't. It's pretty tidy, lots of them seem thrashed to death now.

gooddealz2, Aug 8, 2:27am

cowboy110, Aug 8, 2:36am
Ooooooh! Wee stiffy going on here

trogedon, Aug 8, 2:42am
It seems like lots of rural folk like Holdens.

pollymay, Aug 8, 2:53am
I'm fine with that given city folk like CR-V and RAV4.

sunwest, Aug 8, 2:56am
Cool a stretched ek.

jkm, Aug 8, 3:00am
Definitely some nice transport out there. keep them coming. Cheers.

shiyo, Aug 8, 3:07am
ooohhhh cowboy110 I need one. beautiful
my everyday car isSS commodore

cowboy110, Aug 8, 3:16am
Ow that's harsh!

sunwest, Aug 8, 3:17am
Just kidding nice ride.

jkm, Aug 8, 3:54am
No dirt on that motor!

sunwest, Aug 8, 4:02am
I love the smoothies with whitewalls, looks smooth, i guess thats why they are called smoothies then ha.

easygoer, Aug 8, 4:15am
By far the nicest Holden so far, it has character that is lacking in modern vehicles and the colour does it justice

cowboy110, Aug 8, 4:27am
Chevy's got 3 sets of shoes.I've got the original wheels and hubcaps for the vintage car runs.The chrome smoothies and wide whites for the retro look and the 17x8's for the hotrod look.Totally changes the car depending on the wheels it's got on.

shiyo, Aug 8, 5:06am
Thanks cowboy.better go to work I really needs some nice white walls for the HT. I am going to be broke forever!

bigracket, Aug 8, 7:06am
OMG I just lost about 2 hours of my life looking at this! Very good.

candy1213, Aug 8, 7:41am
i went to my storage shed to take a photo of my old holden car , but its gone missing!

only found a big rust stain on the garage floor

lol lol lol

tshop, Aug 8, 7:44am
Cheers for that he he

beblowin, Aug 8, 2:09pm
Chech out holden haven on face book.

200sx, Aug 9, 1:33am
Fark! Beautiful