2.0 MEMBERSHIP 2.1 A person is eligible to be a member if the person: (a) is 40 years old or more, and holds a current motorcycle licence, and has been nominated by a Branch Member and approved by the Branch Coordinator and one other Branch Committee member; or (b) is 40 years old or more, and has a longstanding interest in motorcycles or is the spouse / partner of a current member, and has been nominated by a Branch Member and approved by the Branch Coordinator and one other Branch Committee member; or (c) is 40 years old or more, and holds a current motorcycle licence, and is generally resident overseas, and has been nominated by two members who are generally resident in New Zealand; and (d) having satisfied (a) or (b) or (c) above, has applied for membership to the National Secretary in such manner as may be prescribed from time to time; and (e) has been approved for membership by the National Committee.
Jul 18, 4:01pm
Modie ol mate, I'm on the Kapiti Ulysses committee. If you are over 40, have a bike and are keen to grow old disgracefully let me know
Jul 18, 4:06pm
Berg--dag namb it I qualify on every count. But whats the point in growing old. I'd rather stay young discracefully-or carry on the tradition of many many years
Jul 18, 4:26pm
So the bike is less important ! I mean country of origin !
Jul 18, 4:40pm
Growing old is manditory, growing up, well that's completely optional
Jul 18, 4:43pm
Is there the equavalent in any car clubs ! I know hot rodders have rod runs,what else is near the same !
Jul 18, 4:45pm
Any bike mate. We have a collection in the club that range from vintage to uber modern, road legal trail to cruisers, racebikes, Jappas, British, Harley (tractors lol), Italians and many others. Many of our members own multiple bikes and pick and choose what they want to ride on the day. Unlike the HOG club and its elk we don't care what you show up on. One further north member has a Vespa which she has ridden all over the country
Jul 18, 4:46pm
So a 1974 Honda 750/4 is ok then !
Jul 18, 4:48pm
Coffee mornings, rides, the odd weekend away and always plenty of people willing to help with bike problems, accommodation etc. Get cheap ferry fares as well.
Jul 18, 4:49pm
Oh hell yes. You would want to be careful though, some of us would want to buy it lol.
Jul 18, 4:51pm
Lol,i have trouble getting on it now days,i must have shrunk over the years,mind you i was short to start off with. Bike was bought through Robert Holden RIP .
Jul 18, 4:54pm
Some of us were born with shrinkage (of the legs lol) hence riding my Z rather than something any taller.
Jul 18, 4:57pm
Just heading to the gym. Will check here later
Jul 18, 4:57pm
very sad I now realize I more than qualify in the age stakes now, there was a time I was too young.
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