looking at buying a car which is described above but engine has been fitted which came out of a 97 gtb subaru . the enine check light is coming on and these fault codes are coming up 44 45 24 61 62 63 64 67 68 can anyone shed some light on these codes at all thanks as unsure if i should buy car or if it a major problem .
Aug 7, 3:10am
Unless you want a one way trip towards financial ruin by all means buy one. They're all far too old and molested to be reliable transport, are stupidly expensive to fix, fuel and insure and really aren't that nice to drive. They're horribly prone to total engine failure, made worse by neglect and thrashing, anything thats had an engine replaced is suspect, what is the rest of it like! Everyone gets rid of them because they are a money pit.Given the amount of stupid and minor changes that Subaru make to vehicles, there could be all sorts of compatibility issues with whats been done. Move on.
Aug 7, 3:14am
44 = Turbocharging Pressure Control Signal (Wastegate control) 45 = Atmospheric pressure sensor 24 = Idle Air control valve 61 = Air Suction Control Solenoid Valve 62 = Exhaust Manifold Valve Negative Pressure Control Solenoid 63 = Fuel tank pressure sensor 64 = Relief Valve Control Solenoid Valve 67 = Exhaust Manifold Valve Positive Pressure Control Solenoid 68 =Turbocharging Pressure Control Output Signal #2
Aug 7, 3:23am
BINGO! just missing a 66, sounds like a bit of a mismatch/bodge
Aug 7, 4:05am
Unless you want to live like a pauper stay away, FAR AWAY! Even if it had none of those codes I wouldn't touch one.
Aug 7, 4:21am
Subarus are great cars if you buy one that's been looked after and serviced properly. The one you're looking at sounds like it's neither of those. It'll be a money pit. Find one that has a proper service history and doesn't have a dodgy engine transplant and you'll be much better off.
Aug 7, 5:25am
okay guys thanks alot for all the input will definately give this car a miss
Aug 7, 5:34am
that many codes I would clear them and see what comes back sounds like someones been unplugging things while running
Aug 7, 5:39am
Yeah I agree. Sounds like thinks have been unplugged while the key is on. Maybe while the engine was out.
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