Landcruiser 3.4 diesel

spottie, Aug 3, 9:31pm
Is there any common faults with these vehicles and their motors! Looking at mid 80's models. Thanks.

mugenb20b, Aug 3, 10:28pm
Check the body for rust and check engine for fuel leaks from the injector pump. Have a look underneath and check the gearbox, diff etc for oil leaks. The truck is pretty bulletproof, but getting old nowadays. They cost a lot of money for what they are.

rob_man, Aug 3, 10:35pm
13 BT engine, they are prone to cracked heads so be on your toes with regards to that. I have one and it's been 14 years of pretty trouble free use, peripherals like brake master cylinder, water pump, a couple of hoses here and there. It's had a few legendary overheats and miraculously never cracked the head but did break a compression ring which necessitated an in situ freshen up.
I'd definitely own one again if it was youthful enough.