Toyota 2L oil filter problem

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stewart85, Aug 1, 4:23pm
Have a toyota dyna 150 with a 2L engine and from a cold start it blows off the genuine toyota oil filter. I have replaced the pressure relif valve beside the filter housing but wonder if there is another one hiding somewhere. Any suggestions please

bwg11, Aug 1, 4:37pm
Check the condition of the thread on the threaded ferrule onto which the filter screws.

gadgit3, Aug 1, 4:40pm

stewart85, Aug 1, 5:06pm
Yes had that housing off, took it to an engine recon shop in town. He decided it was a problem so swaped for a mint one he had. Bought from Toyota a new piston and spring, thought we had fixed it, but no, blew off another filter.

thedoth, Aug 1, 8:36pm
Get hold of Partmaster. They experts with correct parts matching.Or Transdiesel the filter experts.

mrfxit, Aug 1, 10:12pm
Get another complete housing from the local wreckers.
Sounds more like the thread is suss or the wrong filter model.
How well do the filters fit the thread.
It should be fairly snug.
Same thing can happen with the wrong pitch thread on the filter for the bolt on the housing

mrfxit, Aug 1, 10:13pm
Come to think of it, have you had an oil pressure test done

snoopy221, Aug 1, 10:38pm
from a cold start it blows off the genuine toyota oil filter.

You mean it leaks around the lower sealing ring-check the face it seals on.K
Personaly i'd check oil pressure-re relief valve setting-and relief valve capability to dump excess oil pressure-However i'd say ya problem is in the housing the filter sits on not sealing against the sealing ring properly

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:24pm
It blows the filter up like a balloon and then either the oil comes out the seal surface cause its distorted or it unfolds the top lip and leaves the threaded top still attached

thunderbolt, Aug 1, 11:27pm
Re post 7, what pressure are you dealing with!

Have you checked it with a gauge!

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:28pm
It has done 4 filters, the first was an aftermarket the other 3 were genuine toyota. The seal has never given a problem except ,as i said, when it has blown up

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:30pm
No i havnt checked the pressure with a gauge. The 4 failures have been over about a 12 month period

bwg11, Aug 1, 11:37pm
I think you do need to check the pressure with a gauge. It must take a very significant pressure (like 150 psi plus) to blow a filter up like a balloon. At least you will then know if it is excessive pressure issue (which it looks like) or a problem with the filter housing. I assume you are using the correct grade of engine oil.

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:42pm
Oil is Castrol 15-40 Where would you insert a gauge, and what should start up pressure be!

thunderbolt, Aug 1, 11:44pm
In place of the oil pressure switch.
No more than about 80PSI cold

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:52pm
Its made me very nervous, so i have left it idling for about 15mins then driven very carefully, changing gear at low revs, but as time goes on i kinda get to think its ok, then bang! So its only cold start, and all filters have been within half km of my place

bwg11, Aug 1, 11:53pm
Just thinking out loud. You say you have replaced the filter housing and the relief valve piston and spring. Could there be some blockage in the oil gallery that returns by-passed oil back to the sump!

Edit: Still thinking. Could you take the spring out of the relief valve, startand let idle, watch the oil pressure light to see if it goes out to indicate pressure with no relief valve working.

stewart85, Aug 1, 11:58pm
If there was a blockage would it not happen all the time, maybe a partial blockage

stewart85, Aug 2, 12:04am
Is that in the sump or the filter housing

dent, Aug 2, 2:08am
isnt there more than one relif valve in that housing!

snoopy221, Aug 2, 2:20am
Do i read this CORRECTLY as another relief valve casing-and a new valve piston and spring!

stewart85, Aug 2, 3:38am
Yes you read this correctly. This engine was fully reconed about 3 years ago with a recon short block exchange from Auckland and a brand new head and assembled by local workshop. The problem only started approx 12 months ago

alfred011, Aug 2, 3:53am
Tryputting a tractor oil filter on it part number Vpd 5004 from vapormatic i have used them on plenty of 2.4 and 2.8 toyotas and V8 ford engines with no problems.

intrade, Aug 2, 12:21pm
you need to find out where the oil gallery is blocked pressure is 3.5 bar max 7 bar and no filter will pop at that pressure

gadgit3, Aug 2, 2:53pm
Oil pump is splined to the crankshaft on a 2L. Just in behind the front crank seal.