Radioactive air filters, replacement instructions

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zetec, Jul 28, 12:22am
Yes but nevertheless you might unintentionally ride in such an import, for example a taxi.

pebbles61, Jul 28, 12:50am
I think if a lot of liquidators from '86 are still alive, I wouldn't be too worried too much lol

austingtir, Jul 28, 1:11am
This situation is quite a bit different to having a nuclear bomb dropped almost on top of you.Seriously if anybody thinks that the radiation from this disaster is anywhere near that bad they are retarded.People are working directly at the the site where it occured!This would not even be possible if the radiation was really severe.This is scaremongering beyond belief.

splinter67, Jul 28, 2:16am
OKyou got me there. We were trying to workout how long since we were in a cab It was 2001 so not much chance of it getting me

austingtir, Jul 28, 2:27am
What if the radioactive particles are falling off a car in front of you and lodging in your cabin airfilter or come in the window.they got you then!

splinter67, Jul 28, 2:40am
Maybe through the window dont know if the 91 toyota cammry has a cabin filter Im sure someone will know Im more worried about getting hit by some idiot that cant drive or maybe I should be worried about asbestos poisoning from the years of driving with asbestos in the break linings

kazbanz, Jul 28, 2:51am
rotflmao--yes your otherlogin. sok I couldn;t care less

Incidently very nice trying to deflect from the fact that people are interested in sorting matters once it is proven to be an issue

thejazzpianoma, Jul 28, 5:09am
Thats more like it! A good sensible answer from the Kaz we know and love.

I have actually contacted some Govt representatives, I am awaiting answers at this stage. I thought you were smoke screening with the geiger counter bit as I had explained they wouldn't pick anything up, but clearly you just didn't read the earlier threads, and fair enough they were lengthy. So my apologies for being harsh! (But then you should be used to that!)

You are quite right, filters are cheap, that's what gets me, whether the risk is real or imagined why not just mandate they be removed before export anyway.( then we would replace them here) Its hardly going to be a big deal.

Even if just a few people avoid cancer as a result its well worth while IMO.

That said, from the reading I have done (and I have done quite a bit) the risk is very real. What you don't read about but personally I think would be the greater issue is the unsuspecting mechanics that blow the filers out with compressed air. Those guys I reckon are the ones taking the most risk and are likely completely oblivious which is pretty unfair, real or imagined its only fair to be informed.

BTW, Kaz if you want to try something with your Geiger counter. Pick a car thats been running around fairly close to Fukushima and stick your Geiger counter in its running exhaust. That's what the Russians used to do with delivery trucks to see which area's had the worst radiation. That should give you some idea of how good air filters are at concentrating radiaiton.

Realistically though, I don't expect much in the way of a strong reading from the exhaust (although it would be interesting). You don't need a car to be spewing out radioactive particles from the exhaust to still be enough of a hazard to the occupants from the cabin filter. Also, at this stage much of what would show on a Geiger counter should already have decayed. (But again this does not mean the air filter issue is nothing to worry about, I had already taken this into consideration.)

thejazzpianoma, Jul 28, 5:16am
Yip, and then there are the mechanics blowing out the air filters which not only affects them but contaminates their workshop for customers to breath. Also, there will be some particles blown out the exhaust of vehicles on the road which we all get to breath in, especially if your car does not have a good cabin filter. Yum!

thejazzpianoma, Jul 28, 5:22am
You clearly don't understand the issue. The dirt in most of Japan is more than radiated enough to cause problems when its in direct contact with soft tissue.

Gosh, there have been plenty of people testing the soil and even entire teams going around digging up the top 6 inches of soil from entire suburbs because its severely irradiated.

If after all these threads and posts you still can't distinguish the difference from high level radiation that can cause you harm form being in the vicinity of it, and the damage from ingested hot particles I suggest you stop posting until you do.

Its like the difference between getting engine coolant on your hands verses drinking it.

kazbanz, Jul 28, 5:32am
Im not and wont be buying cars from Tokyo--let alone fukashuma.My stuff is from ?????

serf407, Jul 28, 6:09am
This guy seems to supportnumber one.

A Japanese lady I wrote to months ago, wrote back that the waste was been spread around Japan in the 'clean up' effort. She has her children to worry about.

pauloc, Jul 28, 6:15am
Jazz are you Perry Kerr from the MIA!

austingtir, Jul 28, 11:52pm
Jazz what you are spouting is verging on slanderous and outright lies.The only area where the top six inches of topsoil is irriadiated is the immediate area surrounding the meltdown.
From what you are spouting millions of japanese are going to have severe cancers or health problems over the next 10 years.

kieran211, Aug 1, 7:12am
This whole idea is an absolute load of crock. More people will die in the immediate area surrounding the Fukushima plant due respiratory issues related to poor air quality due to the smog that Tokyo has.

Further to that a "hot particle" is no longer supported by mainstream medicine to be unusually dangerous.

Even if "hot particles" were to enter your respiratory system, they would get stuck in mucous and coughed out like any other dust particle.

Some people are just scared of "radioactivity", "nuclear" and "meltdown".

Just as I would not recommend wearing sunglasses when taking food out of the microwave I would not recommend taking any special precautions with new Jap imports lol.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 1, 4:10pm
LOL, tell that to those suffering from the affects of inhaling asbestos.

Another one all to eager to put other's health in jeopardy for the sake of saving a few dollars on new filters. Nice.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 1, 4:32pm
Interesting how in your mind "entire suburbs" dosn't equate to the immediate area surrounding the reactor.

I also like how in your world dust doesn't travel.In the world the rest of us live in dust travels for thousands of kilometers, from one Continent to the next even.

We ourselves in New Zealand have on occasion seen so much dust travel from Australia that it has reduced visibility significantly and colored our sky's a reddy brown. Admittedly that is from ideal wind conditions, however you don't need the dust to be travelling in anywhere near that quantity or that far to cause the problems Japan has been experiencing.

Anyhow, its not at all theoretical in Japan, its happened and well documented that the soil right throughout Japan is contaminated. To say otherwise is simply absurd.

splinter67, Aug 1, 4:37pm
Wow we finally got back to the subject wasn't it about changing filters

kieran211, Aug 1, 5:08pm
You're missing the point.the particles in the air around fukushima pose such a tiny health threat its not even worth bothering. Hot particles in general, are no longer seen as a health risk (they were at one point in time) by the medical community.

kieran211, Aug 1, 5:21pm
It is estimated that worldwide about 1300 people will die from the result of this accident, more people die every year in china from bad weather. In fact, even if that many people die, nuclear power is still the safest in terms of deaths(construction, operation, decommission and disasters included) per watt.

I think many people naively associate nuclear power with nuclear bombs or previous accidents.

I dont think that all nuclear power stations should be shut down, but more care should be taken when making decisions involving operating life extensions to existing older plants.

lordv81, Aug 1, 8:52pm
Have you seen this clip!
If you havnt already seen it or other imfo on this scientist then he is worth a google.

lordv81, Aug 1, 9:21pm

austingtir, Aug 2, 1:34am
^^Nothing in that suprises me one bit.

Want to see a real nuclear disaster! look at chernobyl.!v=yiCXb1Nhd1o

Im not saying the fukushima disaster isnt bad but it could of been alot worse than it has been so far (note i said so far)If those used fuel containment pools fail and the whole lot goes up then i will be very concerned.

lordv81, Aug 2, 1:42am
Yep they say that it could get alot worse.Yet there seems to be very little international help happening as far as getting the problem solved at the reactor site.Meanwhile Japan has raised the limit of radiation exposure for its children and adults to 20 millisievs a year,the same as workers in a the nuclear industry,the old level was 1 millisiev a year.That guy in my link is recording up to 6 millisieves an hour in places in the mountains.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 2, 1:47am
No, I am not missing the point. That's because I used more than just Wikipedia when I did my research.

Just because some people are arguing they post a lesser risk does not make it so. That's how science works, almost everything is arguable be it climate change or evolution.