Radioactive air filters, replacement instructions

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elect70, Jul 25, 8:57pm
Dont let local council know your putting them in the tip, its bad enough with asbestos, they get wind of this there will be all sorts ofrequirements , & costs .

thejazzpianoma, Jul 25, 8:59pm
Which is why we should insist they be removed in Japan and the filter housings cleaned at the same time. They are effectively exporting radioactive waste, that sounds harsh but the filters tested at one University had to be disposed of as such so its a fair statement.

That said, if disposed of in a sealed bag realistically the actual risk is low. The real risk is in driving around in a vehicle with them fitted, or even worse blowing the filters out with compressed air as many mechanics do, that is particularly worrying.

phillip.weston, Jul 25, 8:59pm

thejazzpianoma, Jul 25, 9:03pm
Ahhh, you put it so much more concisely than me!

BTW, not many people know because bad PR is being kept to a minimum. But officially there were two complete reactor meltdowns and the nuclear disaster as a whole was eventually classified as a 7. the highest rating the scale goes to.

smac, Jul 25, 9:19pm
Jazz you're way out of line. You won't understand why, so I'll spell it out.

I have at no time dismissed what you're saying, so to say I'm endangering others if they listen to me just childish.

All I have done is ask for some background information because you've circulated information on a pretty damn serious issue. You've refused to give it because you assume I am mocking you or dismissing what you're saying. That's your issue, not mine.

If I've missed some earlier discussions or links you're offered then I apologise for not hanging on your every word.

However, if you enter into a conversation on a topic like this, and your intent is genuine (i.e. you want to inform, not get into politics) then you should EXPECT questions, welcome them even, not jump on the asker for daring to ask them. Get a grip. Paranoia is not becoming.

As for my "veiled personal attack", it wasn't veiled. You've proven my point (yet again) very clearly. You frequently run around screaming the sky is falling, yet when somebody says "really! you sure!" you attack them for asking. The more often you do this, the more you will be questioned. You are your credibility's own worst enemy.

johnf_456, Jul 25, 10:20pm
How much do you sell tin foil hats for OP!

skyblue17, Jul 25, 10:24pm
Dont be a dick. Being a john suits you better. Thanks jazz for bringing this to our attention, and thanks for the other constructive postings.

serf407, Jul 25, 10:43pm
The Russians seem to have the right equipment to measure what ever kind of radioactivity is contaminating the Japanese cars. www.enviroreporter.comis a US site investigating and reporting.

saki, Jul 26, 12:08am
I use one of these when I drive.

kazbanz, Jul 26, 5:56pm
I still can:t get my head around the simple fact that someone chest beating and getting upset about something doesn:t gett off his rear and contact the people who are soposed to deal with this stuff.
Contact the people in charge.

ema1, Jul 26, 6:57pm
Like all Politicians their reaction time will be far to slow or indeed not at all. Japanese politicians are proof positive of this very thing.
It would appear that the vast percentage of the Earths population will be blithely unaware or more interestingly uninterested in the ramifications until it's too late.
Heck I can remember years ago when the radio active scare was put up about the luminous clock and watch numbers and clock hands could be hazardous! Mmmm interesting .right. Radium paint was used way back then!

lordv81, Jul 26, 9:21pm
I cant believe that our government would allow people toimport cars from Japanbased on the risk,just to make a profit at the health of NZers.There is nothing to say that the cars are ok.If the Japanese are issueing instructions for changing filters that alone says there is a risk.
Its not a simple swipe of the gieger counter.Its the internal damage to organs and cells.
But dollars are more important.

skyblue17, Jul 26, 9:49pm
People like you are the ones causing the problem, by bringing this crap into NZ. If you weren't even mildly concerned you wouldn't be doing the geiger counter dance. You'll have to do a better job than that tho.

elect70, Jul 26, 10:06pm
Wait tillfewpeopleget cancersthen govt might act . Look at clockedspeedoshow many years bsfore they did anything . Surprised the Greens arent jumping up & down , but I gues saving whales is more important .

skyblue17, Jul 26, 10:11pm
This issue is far more serious than speedo clocking, so in the absence of any govt involvement it remains the responsibility of the dudes importing the problem surely. Maybe at the least the filters should be changed in Japan.Guess a quick buck is the name of the game tho.

saki, Jul 26, 11:26pm
You dont wont to buy a Luminox watch then.

666steve, Jul 27, 2:11pm
That was funny!

bigfatmat1, Jul 27, 2:41pm
maybe op should do some research into radiation, cancer, iodine half life and caesium 134 and 137. then maybe understand y people don't care. the stress of thinking about this rubbish is probably worse for you. edit research into the research already done lookk at the stats. there was a doco on this last night btw

asa50, Jul 27, 3:04pm
Damm right, there is a lot of faff from both sides on this topic. Much of the publications are from places that have a anti/pro nuke policy or have been commissioned by an anti/pro nuke organisation. Missing from the links is the methodology behind the research, Also the numbers quoted are often without a base line, ie a non smoker who has a cigar on his birthday does not have twice the chance of getting lung cancer despite doubling the smoke intake.
The reports that do have some methodolgy are made by Phd physicists for the same and make very pointy headed reading.

By all means handle and dispose the filters carefully, after it is a filter and designed to keep the stuff you do not want out.

666steve, Jul 27, 4:27pm
The methodology is quite simple - the Japanese government have been covering up this disaster. They have been in full scale denial and damage control since day 1.

As for the anti nuke arguments.WSJ!

The damage from Fukushima extends to Tokyo and beyond. Tokyo should have been evacuated within days of 3/11, but it was financially and logistically impossible. It still is today. Japan, indeed the world , cannot afford the "fix" for this. It is easier and cheaper to just cover it up.

bigfatmat1, Jul 27, 9:48pm
lol conspiracy theory aye. there is no cover up there is a reason they do not tell the public all the details. admission of a problem is there y else would towns out of exclusion zones been evacuated and tests done on soil admitting high levels of radiation from these tests. What is clear on peoples understanding of radiation and that is radiation = cancer = death. Is this the case! No how many deaths! 0 how many long term effects very few maybe 38 who were immediately exposed. Is iodine still present! NO decayed. Does caesium cause cancer! unknown! does iodine cause cancer! Yes thyroid. is it treatable! Yes 99.5 success rate. Was there an increase of other cancers in russia apart from thyroid! no. Do we have an understanding of effects after a accident. only statistics from russia from the last 25 years. Do we have a full scientific understanding of effects! NO

splinter67, Jul 27, 10:18pm
Easy fix dont buy an import from japan if it was imported since the earthquake then you will have no problems with radioactive anything

kazbanz, Jul 27, 10:57pm
booted out under your other ID I see
---actually just so you know I concider jazz to be a freind. Im here actually IN osaka and thought for his peace of mind to go out in the 36 degree heat and use the gieger counter all jap agents have to test the filters. -aparently though this isn:t good enough. -so im suggesting that a government agency actuallly gets off their butt and check them with the *film* refered to and confirm or deny there actually IS an issue. --not a half baked theory but the results of actual tests at the point of entry. for gosh sakes a filter costs about $30 but it must be fitted in NZ or it is entirely pointless exersize. --so to be clear I am NOT saying there is no issue andi dont want to do anything about it --Im sayinglets establish there is an issue to fix first

saki, Jul 27, 11:23pm
Some of us served in ships that had been involvedin the nuclear testing on Christmas island and muraroa, How long did these ships remain dirty after the explosions, If someone thinks they are going to get assistance from the government because they bought a car that came from Japan after a meltdown, they better be prepared for a long battle, test vets are still struggling with claims from bomb tests in the late 1950s.

skyblue17, Jul 27, 11:55pm
Other nic.! Careful with assumptions.