Hi, I have a Nissan Mistral and the ABS brake light has come on. There was a problem with it a while back when the garage changed a wheel over. Is it safe to drive to the garage! I have been told I will not lose my brakes completely but may have to pump them. I will need to drive it about 20 kms to closest Nissan garage. Thanks in advance (I have no idea re cars)
Jul 30, 1:16am
if it;s just the light it will be fine, just dont expect the anti locking aspect to work
Jul 30, 1:18am
Hey thanks r15.it is just the light. But when you say "just the light" what do you mean! Could something else happen too!
Jul 30, 1:24am
The brakes will still work as normal, except the ABS system won't work. You can lock the wheels up if you stand on the brake pedal.
Jul 30, 1:25am
Common problem with Mistrals.All that has happened is one of the wheel sensors has detected a problem,usually just a dirty contactor.It's fine to drive.The braking system will just revert back to it's manual application,i.e if you jam brakes on the wheels will lock and skid.Get it checked when you can though.They will fail your next WOF if it's still on.
Jul 30, 1:28am
OP --just to be sure see how the brake pedal feels before you take off. as in does it feel normal or does the pedal sink to the floor! Its pretty unlikey but it did occur to me that a stone has damaged the abs cable and poissibly the brake line on one wheel
Jul 30, 1:31am
Hey thanks everyone. You have put my mind at rest. I will certainly get it checked ASAP. The brakes feel just like normal. Thanks again
Jul 30, 12:28pm
"Changed the wheel over ",probably a different rolling diameter from the others . this may bring an abs light on.
Jul 30, 4:16pm
take the sensors out and give them a good wipe, they are magnets and have lot of grud sticking to them over time
Jul 30, 8:15pm
Thanks next to normal (cool name) - we live on a dirt road which is very muddy at the moment so they could well be dirty.I have no idea where to find the sensors.Guess I could look online
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