When deredgestering a diesel vehicle

ckd.bu.mopars, Jul 28, 10:38pm
do you get a refund on redgo and unused miles.!

ckd.bu.mopars, Jul 28, 10:45pm
great,thanx for that,just curious on how they pay out on unused miles.do they take it back to the last warrent check!

smac, Jul 28, 11:19pm
Actual k's, because that's what you're required to be paid up to.

sgrants, Jul 28, 11:24pm
I don't think you get any refund on rego!

ckd.bu.mopars, Jul 28, 11:25pm
If the car is immobile do they just take your word of how many ks it done!

dunedin_moto, Jul 28, 11:36pm
Pretty sure you do once you have surrendered the plates and/or filled out correct paperwork.

smac, Jul 29, 12:40am
They reserve the right to request you send in the odo, or to take it somewhere to be sighted. This is regularly done for hubs on trucks, dunno about light vehicles.

intrade, Jul 29, 8:53am
yes you do get refund on rego and on roaduser charges. You also get a bill for payment of otstanding unpayd roaduser charges. etc.