hi just getting my 3.1 96 bighorn diesel radiator rodded /cleaned out and wondering do they have a particular way of bleeding the system other thanthe usual way of turning on the heater and leaving the cap off until thermostat opens .thanks for the help
Jul 22, 6:13pm
just poor hot water over the thermo housing
Jul 22, 8:16pm
On some vehicles it can be a help if the front end is raised while bleeding.
Jul 23, 2:47am
thanks for the help
Jul 23, 5:43pm
dang not the easiest thing to get out i had to split the shroud etc. etc out now though and off to the radiator shop $80 well spent i reckon
Jul 23, 5:49pm
It will be well spent my Toyota dropped from running about half way on the gauge to a quarter which has improved the gas mileage a little
Jul 23, 6:00pm
yeah i hope so as my truck only gets hot when pulling the boat up hills
Jul 23, 7:03pm
I prefer to pull thermostat out and prime the motor,so theres no chance of an airlock,probably you dont need to, but thats what i do and test thermostat while its out.
Jul 23, 8:31pm
sounds like a good idea
Jul 25, 3:21am
also on the boghorn if its getting warm up hills check the thermo fan isnt worn mate, common as
Jul 25, 7:32am
how do you check the thermo fan please
Jul 25, 8:52pm
got radiator back and the shop said it was 50% blocked
Jul 25, 8:56pm
If it was 50% blockedand it only got hot going up hills then your fan works it will take a lot longer to warm it up
Jul 25, 11:25pm
yep only ever got hot going up the long bombay hill towing my boat ,it would change down to 3rd gear and pull up really easy ,its all back together andno leaks and after idling for half an hour it barely goes over th C ,next job is to get the trans serviced
Jul 26, 2:21am
i never touched the thermostat ,all i did was refit the radiator and put in new antifreeze left the cap off and turned on the heater to full ,once i was sure it wasn,t needing anymore water after about 15mins i fefitted cap andturned heater off and let idle for another 15mins and it only went a little over the C i will check levels in the morning as i was not going to take the rad cap off after running that long ,it had not used any of the pre tank
Jul 26, 2:25am
before doing the radiator the gauge used to sit around quarter ,i do know how a thermostat works ,i reckon under normal driving it will run around the same quarter or less and will advice you of the outcome thanks
Jul 26, 2:40am
i,m not patting myself on the back !surely if the thermo hasn,t openedwithin half an hour the gauge would be reading hot so all i,m saying is it must be correct reading just above C and that when i take a drive it will read higher !2nd scenario is i have not owned it long so yes i agree it is possible that someone has removed the thermostat and that it is taking forever to warm up !
Jul 28, 11:56pm
i have to agree with you and will replace
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