hi i have a 97 izuzubighorn 3.1 diesel automaticand am having problems with the reversing lights and beeper not working ,sometimes it does workbut most of the time it does not work ,when it works the r on the dash works and so does beeper and reversing lights ,i have looked around the gear stick but have had no luck ,it selects 1 2 3 d n and park on the dash but no r ,has anyone had this problem and sorted it thanks
Sep 11, 10:51pm
Look for something with singlewire on it sticking out the side of the box ,unscrew i t & get new 1 its thereverse switchdoes lights &beeperetc
Sep 11, 10:56pm
elect70 i can only see 2 one on the drivers side of the box with two wires on it and one on the passenger side ,have you done one before cheers
Sep 12, 10:55pm
! will be park swtch & otherreverse switch,Mostare samebut dont know which isreverse 1, Trial & error !checkservice /repair manual onlinemightshow you location.
Sep 13, 1:01am
thanks elect70 i,ll try to find it online
Sep 13, 3:19am
Forget what elect70 said its a auto not a manual. On the drivers side of the trans is the inhibtor switch will have a around 21mm nut and a couple of 10mm bolts holding it on. Take it off and there will be some srews holding it together open it up and clean up the inside and will be good to go the rev lights work off it.
Sep 13, 4:24am
as above pull apart slight regrease you may need to adjust make sure starts in park and nuetral the holes are sloted sometimes can be a bit seized on the shaft.
Sep 13, 2:39pm
hi thanks i have cleaned well degreased drivers side of trans and i see a senser about 21 mm with 2 wires coming from it red with bluebut cant see the two 10mm bolts you speak of ,mines a 97model could it be different! or have i missed something
Sep 13, 7:20pm
no its on the selector shaft lots of wires loom travels over top of tranny and connects firewall lh side
Sep 14, 3:10am
oh ,ill have to put it up on the ramps and have a good look cheers
Sep 15, 4:18am
just as soon as this rotton weather clears :)
Sep 16, 6:44pm
this may be a bit beyond me :( may have to put it in the shop
Mode Switch Removal 1. Place selector lever in neutral. 2. Disconnect battery ground cable. 3. Remove mode switch cover (1). 4. Disconnect selector lever (2) from the mode switch. 5. Disconnect transmission harness from the mode switch connector (3). 6. Remove bracket with mode switch connector from the transmission case. 7. Remove mode switch connector (3) from the bracket (4). 8. Remove two mode switch bolts and nut then remove mode switch (5). Installation To install, follow the removal steps in the reverse order, noting the following points; 1. Torque Mode switch bolt: 13 N???m (1.3 kg???m/113 lb in) Selector lever nut: 23 N???m (2.3 kg???m/17 lb ft) 2. Mode switch setting procedure Perform either of the following adjustment procedures: Procedure 1 a. Place selector lever in neutral. b. Remove selector lever from the mode switch. c. Remove the mode switch cover. d. Loosen the two 10 mm screws. e. Rotate the mode switch until the slot in the mode switch housing aligns with the selector shaft bushing, and insert a 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) drill bit or punch (1) into the slot. f. Tighten the screws to 13 N???m (1.3 kg???m/113 lb in). g. After completing adjustment, snap the mode switch cover into place. h. Reinstall the selector lever. Procedure 2 a. Place selector lever in neutral. b. Disconnect transmission harness connector from mode switch connector. c. Remove mode switch connector with bracket from the transmission case. d. Connect multimeter (resistance mode) to terminals 1(E) and 4(H) on mode switch connector. e. Loosen two mounting screws. f. Rotate mode switch slightly in both directions to determine the range (approx. 5 degrees) of electrical contact. g. Position mode switch in middle of contact range. h. Tighten two mounting screws. i. Remove multimeter and install mode switch harness connector with bracket to the transmission case. j. Connect transmission harness connector to mode switch connector
Sep 17, 10:40pm
hi i,m trying to get some quotes to do the job can anyone help in the franklin area,i,m willing to travel if nessesary
Sep 20, 4:02am
well i,m going to try and see if a trans service will help sort it it ,the oils dirty and it seems to work when the oils hot so hope it will make it work if its clean
Sep 21, 1:32pm
trucks booked in on monday for a well overdue trans service and he will also look at the shift switch ,he has good feedback on the no more cowboys site so thats good ,will update on progress
Sep 23, 10:28pm
autos all serviced and running smooth but the switch needs to be replaced ,he tried 3 times to fix it but its had it so pricing a good 2nd hand one as they a arm and a leg new
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